Ice-cream on Christmas Eve

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An hour later, Kara and Jack stumbled out of the ice-cream parlour like two drunks stumbling of a bar.

"I've never had ice-cream on Christmas Eve before. But now you've got me hooked," Kara laughed as she struggled to stay upright with the amount of creamy frozen foods she had consumed. "Much better than snow cones, that's for sure."

"You know," Jack's eyebrows narrowed slightly in confusion. It turned out that each day he was discovering more and more about humans that he had yet to experience. "I'm yet to try a snow cone. Maybe you can show me one day."

Kara turned to Jack with a smile on her face and a chuckle on her lips. It was the first time in the past three days where she had felt happy.

Not a fake happiness, not a facade or wall she put up to please those around her and show them that there was nothing wrong. Pure happiness. And she didn't want it to end.

"Sure, I'd like that."



The two teenagers began to laugh, and slowed their walking as their fits of hysteria died down. When they had both calmed down a tad, and walked about four blocks from the ice-cream parlour, Jack and Kara gradually came to a stop and turned to each other to start to bring their day to a close.

"So, where do you live? I can walk you home." Jack didn't realise the impact his words would have until he saw the happiness drain from Kara's face like the warmth drained from a ghost infected room.

Any trace of a laugh, a chuckle, or a smile was long gone. They were victims to the monsters that had been lurking at the back of Kara's mind the entire time. The demons under her road.

Kara felt her eyes prick with tears, and felt the salty streams make their way down her face. All happy thoughts destroyed by one overarching memory.

Her mother was dead.

She had no home.

"Kara..." Jack whispered, moving closer and reaching out for a hug. He took two more steps forward, and pulled her tight into his chest. "Come here. It's alright."

Kara didn't hesitate as she used Jack like a life support. As if he was the only thing that was keeping her upright. The only thing she needed to survive.

"I'm not usually like this, I swear," Kara sobbed into Jacks shoulder, as he began drawing circles on her back with one hand.

After a couple of minutes, Jack took a step back so he could look Kara's in the eyes, while keeping his hands on her shoulders.

"Okay. But," he said, siding his hands slowly down her shoulders until the rested on her biceps. "What's wrong?"

Kara let out a weak smile and an even weaker chuckle. There was no use being anything but blunt and to the point. It would only waste time and make her more pitiable.

"My mother died yesterday."

Jack felt the world slow down as the meaning of Kara's words sunk in. That was why she broke down. If her mother died then she may have no home to go to.

He didn't know what to say after such a powerful phrase. How did humans know what to do in situations like these? How could anyone know what it's like to lose someone they love? How could anyone empathize with someone who had lost so much?

"I know what you're thinking now," Kara said with a sarcastic smile as she wiped the years from her face as if they were never there and took a step back away from Jack's touch. "Damaged goods. Better say goodbye."

Kara turned to walk way, and Jack grabbed her arm.

"Kara, you misunderstand. That's not what I was thinking. I just didn't know what to say."

"Really?" Kara retorted with a Winchester worthy bitch face.

"Yes. I was just thinking, if you don't have a home to go to, well, um," Jack trailed off as Kara's intense gaze became too much for him. Her green eyes burning into him. "Look, I don't want you to spend Christmas alone Kara. You deserve so much more than that. There's a motel down the street. Maybe we could get a couple of rooms there for the night and you could celebrate Christmas with me tomorrow?"

"A couple of rooms?"

"Well, I assumed--"

"Assumed what? That I would force something upon you?"

"No, of course no--"

"Or that you would force something upon me?"

"Heaven's no, I jus--"

"Then there's no problem with us sharing a room, is there?"

Jack shook his head with a smile.

"One room it is then."

- Yo so I updated twice in one day and I'm gonna update a third time!!!! This is only part two of your Christmas present, part three is to come! Lol most of you know the drill by now, with the amount of stories you read on here. So please comment and vote, and I hope you're enjoying this story. Btw do any of you ship Jack and Kara? I don't know what I'm gonna do with them, so you guys can have a huge impact in how this turns out. Please comment what the relationship status between Kara and Jack should be. Dating? Best friends? Enemies? Let me know pls. Anywhoooo, have fun kids. -T

Edit (legit 20 seconds later): I'm gonna update part three of your Christmas present tomorrow so I don't get grounded for the rest of the holidays. Lmao. But if I stay up any later my parents will take my phone and then I won't get to update at all. Soz fam. Anyway, Have fun kids, -T

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