Uh oh

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Kara stood up with a start, and left the table, heading towards the general vicinity of the bathrooms.

Initially, she never planned to leave the Biggersons. She just wanted to sit in the family room for a while, to clear her head, before she would go back out and face Sam and Dean.

Compared to other bathrooms she had been in, the one at Biggersons was quite nice. It was really well lit, and quite spacious. The family room had a pen where mothers could put their toddlers, and in it were a whole bunch of toys so the children could play. There was also a television, and although it was always switched onto either the news or a show suitable for three year olds, Kara often found herself watching it for hours on end.

This was what she planned to do today. She opened the door to the family room, and was greeted with a well lit room, and the sounds of the beginning of a kids show.

She walked in the room, and sat down in the chair opposite the TV, ready to immerse herself into the show, and forget about what had just happened at the table. Forget about what she had not told the Winchesters.

Try as she might, she could not rid herself of the sinking feeling in her gut. The black, endless abyss that seemed to be opening up and consuming her rational mind.

Why did I lie to them? Weren't they just here to help? Should I go back out and tell them the truth?

Questions rang through Kara's mind as she began rethinking and regretting the decisions she had made in the past ten minutes alone.

Now that she had had time to gather her thoughts, she realised it would be in the best interests for everyone involved if she cooperated fully, and told Sam and Dean everything.

But what would mom think? Her mind raced. Although mother was dead, and there was no chance in hell she could possibly know what Kara was doing, she was still unsure. No, stop it Kara. You're mother is dead. These boys are trying to help you. Your mother is gone. She's not coming back.

Even though she though she had accepted her mother's death, Kara's thoughts hit home hard and fast in her head. As flawed as her mother may have been, she was still her family. Still her blood.

Kara couldn't help it when the tears started streaming down her face. She attempted to steer her thoughts back from her mother, but nothing was working. She brought her knees into her chest, and felt her head collapse down onto them.

Memory after memory, image after image, conversation after conversation with her mother all came rushing back to her at the same time.

She didn't hear the door open, and she didn't look up when she felt someone's hand on her shoulder. She simply assumed it was either Sam or Dean who had come to see why she had been gone so long.

"Are you alright? Why are you crying?" Kara only bothered to open her eyes when the person spoke, and she realised that it was in fact, neither Sam nor Dean.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself staring directly into the strangely calming brown eyes of a boy who seemed not so much older than herself.

"Who are you?" She asked, hoping he wasn't some kind of serial killer or mass murdering psychopath, but rather a new kid at her school, or someone passing through for a few weeks visiting relatives. 

At first, he seemed confused at her question. How could someone be so emotional, and then so curious immediately after? She had been crying when he first saw her, and now he swore he could see a glint of mischief in her eye. The confusion wore off, however, and he found himself able to answer.

"I'm Jack. Jack Kline."

Kara's eyes widened in shock. All traces of her meltdown disappeared at the mention of his name.

"Hang on, the Jack Kline? As in, 'the son of Kelly Kline and Lucifer', Jack Kline?"

Jack tried not to show the shock on his face. Aside from angels and demons, the only people who knew his name were Sam and Dean. How on earth did she know about him? Who was this girl? Or, more importantly, what was she?

Kara realised her mistake quickly. She had heard of Jack Kline through bursts of loud voices in her head. Piercing, screeching voices that would wake her up in the middle of the night, and distract her all throughout the day. Voices that caused her physical pain when she heard them, almost as if her head was imploding.

"Wait, how do yo--"

Jack was cut off by Kara's lips smashing onto his. The first and only idea Kara had to get his mind off the unanswerable question he was about to ask.

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