A Wise, Sexy Man

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Kara eventually found her way back to the table, and sat back in her seat opposite Sam and Dean.

"Some young kid cleared the plates away. We tried to get him to leave yours, but he wouldn't. Sorry."

"It's fine. I'm not really that hungry anymore anyway."

"That's never good," Sam jumped in, joining the conversation. "Did something happen?"

"I just,...I know you two said you can tell when someone is lying, and, well, I liked to you both."

"We already knew that, sweetheart," Dean said as Sam gave him one of his classic bitch faces, disapproving of the casual use of nicknames during a serious investigation.

"You did?"

"Yes Kara, we did," Sam said, taking over talking from Dean so he wouldn't ruin this case. After all, they had no time for his blah blah blah blah. "We just don't know why you lied, or what about."

"Well, I want to tell you, but you won't believe me. You'll just judge me. And besides, my mother always told me that telling people this would put me in danger."

Dean ignored Sam's attempt at replying to this, and jumped in. After all, after this was over, he was the one who was probably going to ask her to come back to the bunker, not Sam.

"Okay, well Kara, firstly, as a wise, sexy man once said, 'If someone is willing to judge me then I don't really care what they think'. And secondly, if there was any chance you were in danger, we would protect you. I would protect you. No one's getting hurt."

Kara looked up from her lap and have Dean a small smile. She was lost for words at this kindness, but there was one thing she could do to prevent this from turning into her worst nightmare.

Her smile quickly dissolved into a mischievous smirk.

"A wise, sexy man eh? Who is this wise, sexy man?"

Dean started to feel extremely embarrassed at his words. This much was obvious to Kara.

"I really don't actually remember. But he must have been wise and sexy, or I wouldn't have said he was."

"Fair enough."

Through the beginning of this conversation, Sam's face had taken on an expression that could only be described as that of visible mortification at his older brother. What was Dean thinking? Did he want Kara to be weirded out and never want to see either of them ever again? When Kara started to read his back, however, with a smirk and a bit of sass, Sam realised how much they were alike. Not just personality wise, but looks too.

It wasn't that Cassie didn't look nice, but Sam was relieved to see bits and pieces of Dean in Kara. They had almost the same colour hair, hers just slightly darker in places, and they had the same goofy smile. But the most obvious feature would have had to have been her eyes. Just like Dean's, they were bright green. Her eyes were full of adventure and interest, but Sam could see in them the same thing which which was always present in Dean's eyes. Secrets. Distrust. Caution. Wariness.

What could have possibly happened to someone so young for these emotions to be so prevalent?

Sure, her mother had died the previous day, but from her actions, it did not seem like it was this which was the main cause. Maybe it was why she had lied about. What she, hopefully, would tell them very soon.

"So Kara," Sam's curiosity took him over. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but he wasn't a cat. "Can we know the truth?"

"I suppose you should know."

Kara sat up straighter in her chair and Sam followed suit, immediately becoming the tallest person in the room, as Kara prepared to tell them the truth.

~ Well, I managed to update when I said I would!!! So yay I guess. Just so you know, the wise sexy man who said the quote is actually Jensen Ackles 👌. So yeah, Dean basically called himself sexy 😂. If some of these chapters are shorter than others it's just because they are lol. There's no reasoning behind it. Or is there??? For you guys actually reading this, thanks. Hope it's somewhat ok lmao        -T

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