Rooms With Two Way Mirrors

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(3rd Person)

Kara faced the wall of the interrogation room, lying on her side on the bed that had been set up for her. The Sheriff had been trying to make her as comfortable as possible, given what she had just witnessed. But try as he might, nothing seemed to be working. Since coming in to the station, Kara hadn't eaten, drunk or slept. She didn't blink, she didn't move. If you didn't see the pain in her eyes you would have thought she was dead.

The same scene played over and over in her head. The mental image of her mother plunging her arm through Mr Darlinghurst's chest. The way her mother's eyes changed colours right before she fell to the ground. The way her mother looked like she had been torn apart by a wild animal from the inside out. The empty look in her mother's eyes after she was gone. The weird wing shaped shadows that appeared on the ground as her mother died.

But the thing that really shut Kara down wasn't any of this. Is wasn't even that her mother was gone. Or all the looks of pity she had got walking out of that classroom. It was the feeling in her chest that just wouldn't go away. But it wasn't sadness. No, it was something else. Like some ancient gift, or beast, or curse, had awoken in side of her.

She felt stronger than ever. And she didn't know why. She knew something had changed, but she didn't know what. She felt worried, scared and alone, but not because of her mother's deathnd that made her feel like a bad person. She couldn't even go to her father for help. Although she knew his name, she also knew that he was a criminal. And that he had died. Multiple times. He was a freak, and she didn't have time for another freakin in her life.

Stuck in her increasingly worried mind, Kara didn't hear the Sheriff knock on the door. Didn't hear the Sheriff walking over to her. Didn't hear him say her name, at first quietly, but then a bit louder. But she did feel his hand on her shoulder, so she sat up.

"Hey Kara, there's a couple of FBI agents who would like to ask you a few questions if it's no trouble. Is it alright if I let them in?"

Kara could only nod. After seeing her mother's death, seeing her die in such as unnatural manner, after receiving a seemingly cryptic message, in Latin nonetheless, and with everything else that was going on inside her head, Kara felt as though her will had been completely drained. Nevertheless, she got up off the bed slowly, and had just sat down in one of the chairs at the table in the centre of the room when the door opened and in walked the two FBI agents.

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