The Sheriff Has No Smartphone

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Once Sam and Dean had left the room, the Sheriff pulled his Nokia Flip Phone out of his pocket, and dialled Kara's number. Surprisingly, Kara picked up on the first ring.

Kara: Hello Sheriff Monahan

Sheriff: Hello Kara

K: Well, what do you want?

S: Righty, so those two fake FBI guys need to talk to you, okay? They do know some things about what you saw, and what actually happened to your mom back there in the classroom.

K: But that guy, the short one--

S: Neither of them were short, Kara

K: Yeah well you know what I mean. The shorter one.

S: That's better

K: Did he tell you who he told me he was?

S: Yes, he--

K: Fake FBI is one thing, but pretending to the someone's father. Pretending to be my father. Is something else entirely.

S: Well, I'm sure--

K: How can I even look at him after that?

S: They are who they said they were.

K: They can't be.

S: Dean is your father Kara. This is a chance for you to finally meet him. To meet the other side of your family.

K: I dont need the other side of my family. They don't even know I exist. I'm fine just how I am.

S: No you're not. Kara you have to face it, you have no one left here. No family.

K: You don't mean that.

S: Yes I do. This could be your chance to get out of town.

K: But--

S: That is what you always wanted, right? Or was your dream to go into the child care services when your mother died?

K: You make it sound like I hate the place

S: Don't you?

K: *silence*

S: Just talk to them.

K: Fine. I'll send across an address and they can meet me there.

S: Thankyou, Kara

K: Who cares.

Kara hung up the phone, leaving the Sheriff on the other end of it, speechless. He felt as though he had gone far, but not far enough. He did not think he had pushed her far enough, pushed her away enough.

The Sheriff put his phone back in his pocket, and turned to face the two way mirror on the far wall.

He stared into his reflection and a smirk crossed his face as his eyes turned black.

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