Wednesday, January 24

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A list of song lyrics made perfect for me,

a loud Irish guy who doesn't know my name,

cold winter days when you stay by the fire,

long restless nights full of thoughts and ideas,

nights out with friends where we lose track of time,

snapchats late at night from the guy you like,

sleeping in on the weekends when you know you should be awake,

long nights of play practice when you're barely awake,

chapel lunches away from the crowd,

youtube days that are gone too fast,

bursts of motivation late at night,

small simple compliments at my clothes and my shoes,

a jar full of buttons that I don't really use,

snacks that you eat every hour of the day,

cute small words that you hardly even say,

thousands of journals filled with words unspoken,

tons of laughter full of joy,

sweet smiles that were not noticed before.

Some say that i am quiet or shy but maybe it is easier than they think.

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