Thursday, October 26

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I'm terrified. I was never able to admit that to myself before but I'm so scared.

Scared that I'll never find someone who will love me as much as I love them.

Scared to be heartbroken and sad.

Scared to grow up and start life on my own.

Scared to fail this whole high school thing and fall through the cracks.

Scared to drown in all my feelings that are starting to rise from deep down inside me.

Scared to be broken.

I don't want to find myself for the fear that the true me isn't enough.

I'm looking left and right but I am no where in sight. I'm losing myself again.

I see happiness but lately I haven't been good enough. For anyone.

It's okay though. This is part of me. People always grow out of me.

I'm just too different and people get all caught up with others that I'm just in the background. Maybe that's it.

I'm scared to be forgotten.

That when I die no one will remember who I am.

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