Friday, March 9

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OMG. I made it. All this stress and worrying and I made it.

This really is a dream come true.

Never in my life have I been so proud of myself.

I worked hard in that audition but I had my doubts. Yes, I might not get the part but being called back for Poppins?

It leaves me breathless just thinking about it!

I'm up against a lot of talented people and them being some of my best friends doesn't help much but if I got this part, I would die.

I'm so happy! Being the lead is a big responsibility and I think I'm ready to take that leap.

If I don't get it, I'll be happy that I was even considered for the part. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Callbacks are on Monday though. My Birthday.

I hope mom isn't mad and I hope Wyatt is ok. I just can't wait for this.

It's going to be amazing!

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