Chapter 6

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"Jisoo! Stop spilling the flour!" I scold and took the bowl out of her hand.

"It's fun!" She laughs and wipe the flour on my face.

"I'm telling you, if you don't behave yourself I'm not giving you cupcakes." I threatens.

"Fine!" She huffs and stomped her feet while walking to take a sit.

I have nothing important to do this day so I decided to bake cupcakes. Just when I turn around to put the tray inside the oven, I heard Jisoo giggling. I set the timer and look over at Jisoo who's making fun of the icings.

"Jisoo." I called while crossing my arms.

"What?" She asks licking the icing on the corner of her mouth.

"Look at you! You look so dirty." I scold again.

Her clothes are full of flour plusthe icings that spread on it. She's like a kid, my god!

"You can bake me too." She laughs while looking at herself. I bet I'm more delicious than cupcakes." She grins.

"Shut up and go change your clothes." I say pointing my fingers to my room's direction.

She hops down on the chair and rolled her yes.

"Yes mom." She say walking away.

When she left I fixed the mess and waited for the cupcake to be cooked. When the timer chimed, I put the gloves on my hand and get the baked cupcakes out of the oven. I put it on a plate and wear off my apron before walking into the living room. There I saw Jisoo fixing the beddings and the TV.

"What are you doing?" I asks and put the plate on the couch.

"I was thinking that we can watch movies." She smiles.

Her smile really makes my heart feels warm. I smile back at her and settle on the floor where she covered with the beddings.

"What do you want to watch?" I asks.

"Kissing booth."

"What?" I almost spill put the cupcake inside my mouth when she said that.

I already watched the movie and it makes my blood runs to my head, knowing that there are lots of kissing scene in the movie.

"Sit beside." She instructed after she pressed the button on the remote and the movie started to play.

As the movie goes on, she keeps on saying that Noah is so handsome.

"I like him now." She says dreamily.

I scrunched my face in a disgusting look.

"He has too much muscle and it's gross." I say.

"What? It's appealing and it feels like I want to touch his muscles."

"That is completely disgusting!" I pretend to gag.

"What is disgusting about that? He looks so manly." She defended.

"His muscles, it makes me want to puke. Why do girls likes guys with muscles." I roll my eyes.

"Because it's attractive." She roll her eyes too.

"It's gross and disgusting."

"It is not!"

"Yes it is!"

Okay, tell me we are not having fight just because of this stupid movie.

"Just look at him! Every girls are drooling over him because he is so handsome and mascular!" She pointed on the TV.

"Just eww! I'm not watching it anymore." I say and grab my phone.

I heard her huffs but still watching the movie. Everytime there's a kissing scene she will gasps and giggled after. After the movie, she insisted to watch it again.

"No more watching of that Jisoo!" I say turning off the TV.

"Just one more." She beg but I just shake my head.

"Come on! Just because he looks so handsome you're not going to let me watch it again." She groan.

"First of all, he's not even handsome and second he's not handsome!"

"Jisoo? My phone!" I yelled when I can't find it.

"Here!" She enters my room and handed me my phone before running out again.

When I open it I gritted my teeth and shouts.


She just change my wallpaper with the picture of Flynn brothers and they are topless! My god! It's burning my eyes! I quickly change it and I groan loudly when I saw lots of their pictures in my gallery.

"Why are you shouting?" Jisoo frowns as she enter my room again.

"Is this why you still up last night? Downloading bunch of photos!?" I say pointing on my phone.

"Hmm, yeah?" She fake a smile. "They're hot." She shrugs.

I glared at her and beckon her. She complies and walks over to me. When she's near enough, I pull her and pin her on the bed.

"They are not hot because they are disgusting. And there's only one person who is hotter than anybody else." I girtted.

"Yeah? Who is it? Can I meet him? Now?" She asks eagerly.

I roll my eyes at her. She must be straight and not into girls. She obviously likes boys and not pretty chicks.

"It's not a He but a She. And you're already living with her." I intensely stare into her eyes before getting up.

Leaving her on my bed dumdounded. I smirk and get inside of my bathroom.

I'm having a nap when I heard Jisoo giggling beside me.

"Quiet Jisoo." I groan.

"Sorry." She whisper but minutes later, she started giggling again. And I felt a feather brushing on my face lighlty. It tickles me and when I tried to scratch it off, a whipped cream smudge on my face. That's when Jisoo started laughing hysterically.

"Jisoo!" I shout full of annoyance. "Why you!"

I gritted and quickly straddled her waist. I reached out the whipped cream and hold both of her hands up on her head.

"You're really making fun of me huh?" I scrunched my nose.

"No!" She denies but still laughing. "Let me go!"

"Not until I get my revenge." I smirk and put large amount if whipped cream on her face.

"Yah! Stop!"

This time I'm the one who's laughing at her. I let go her hand but remained sitting on her stomach. She's glaring at me now and in a split of seconds. She wiped the cream off her face and put her finger in my mouth. That made me stop laughing. I look down at her and her eyes darken when I sucked her finger. Cleaning the cream off of it. I stare at her at the whole time until I fully suck all cream on her finger. Her breathe quickens when I lean down.

"Never make fun of me when you can't handle my revenge." I whisper to her and lick some of the cream on her face.

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