Chapter 27

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This is not even the moment I want to tell her. I want it to be romantic. For god sakes! We just finished having  sex! This is not the kost appreciate time to ask her if she wants to marry me.


"I-I---" I stutter.

Suddenly her phone rings.

"Answer it, maybe it's important."

I forced a small smile and get up.  My heart is not feeling good. She sigh and nod. I picked my clothes and went inside her room to wear clothes. After dressing myself, I sat ar the edge of the bed and my thoughts drown me.

Is it stupid that I already asked her? I think she's not ready. She didn't answer and kept silent and it hurts. I cover my face with my palm.

"I think I just ruined our moment and our relationship."

I mumble lowly against my palm. Maybe she don't want a commitment like that yet. Maybe...

My thoughts goes down when Jennie went inside the room.

"Chu, I need to go to the office. Something came up." She said.


She glance at me with sorry and walks to my direction.

"I'll be back at dinner." She smile and peck on my lips before entering the bathroom.

I flopped on the bed and cover my eyes with my arm. I sigh deeply then after I sprawled my whole body on the bed like a starfish.

"You'll say YES!"

I shout then smile after.

"What!?" Jennie answered from the bathroom.

She'll say yes. I know she loves me. She will be my wife and be the mother of our soon kids.

"Nothing! I'll go see Lisa and Chaeng babe." I say on the bathroom door. "I love you, see you at dinner."

"I love you too!"

When I arrived at Lisa's apartment, I played the doorbell button and pressed it nonstop.

"Yah! It's annoying, stop it!"

Lisa growl when she opened the door.

"Now you know."

I smirked and pushes her aside as I step inside. I laugh when she almost fall on the floor.

"Why you!" She gritted and slam the door closed. "I will kill you!"

Before she could even lay her hands to choke me to death, Chaeyoubg appeared coming from the kitchen.

"Yah Lalisa! I don't want my girlfriend to be a murderer." Chaeyoung huffs.

"What? Who say I'm gonna murder Jisoo?"

Lisa suddenly became kind and put her arm around my shoulder while smiling ear to ear to Chaeyoung.

"She said she's going to kill me Chaeng."

"Lisa." Chaeyoung warned.

Lisa pouts and deflates.

"I'm just kidding."

"Good." Chaeng nod. "Anyway, why brought you Jisoo?" She asks.

"Wouldn't you guys asks ne to sit first and give me foods to eat?" I say earning a smack on my head from Lisa. "What the fuck is that for!?" I hissed.

"Oh, nothing. I just want to do it." She shrug.

"Bitch!" I scowl and tackle her on the floor. "That hurts!"

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