Chapter 24

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"Looks like you've got a good company there." She started when we are inside of my car.

"Ye--" Before I can finish my word, she glance back at me with that cold yet fierce eyes. "No." I gulp, changing what am I going to say earlier.

"Really?" She arch her brows. "Then why is she treating you?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

God, am I facing my death already?

"W-we bet and I won." I say bitting my lower lip.

"What bet?"

"About you and her girlfriend." I gulp, I'm not sure if I need to continue talking or what. "Jisoos!" I yelled when she pulled my collar towards her.

"Why the hell are you betting on me!?" She growl.

"It's not what it is." I raised both of my hands while shaking my head.

"Explain." She stressed the word.

"I'm waiting for you and so she is to her girlfriend. Then the two of you are taking time so we decided to bet of who will go out first, then you went out first so that I won and she owe me a treat." I say in one breath.

"Hmpf!" A full air escaped from my lungs when she shoved me on my seat before she hover on my lap, still gripping my collar.

"You know I don't like the idea of you betting, especially that I'm involve in it." She gritted, moving her face closer to me. "Plus the fact that the reward is you being alone with another girl to get your price."


"Did I tell you to speak up?"

"No." I breath out.

She stare at my lips and with a split of seconds, she's kissing me deep and rough.

"Drive." She say after the kiss and get back to her seat.

I pant and started the engine. I was out of breath because of that kiss, damn. I thought I'm going to drown. While driving, I'm glancing at her so often.

"Eyes on the road Jisoo." She say coldly withou sparing a glace on me.

She just have her rest bitch face and a very, very cold aura. Its giving me shiver than the air conditioned here in my car.

"Are you mad?" I asks softly.

She didn't reply making me sigh. I halt when the traffic light turns red.

"Jendeuk?" I called again, moving my hand to rest on her thigh.

She swat my hand away making me to pout.

"Just drive."

"But the traffic light is still red, we don't want to get chase by a police car for beating the red light, right?" I say.

She huffs and roll her eyes in annoyance.

"Then put your hand back on the steering wheel."

When the traffic light turns to green, I drive again.

"Are you jealous?" I asks, eyes focusing on the road.

"Are you asking me?" She snort and now facing me while pointing to herself.

"Do I have someone else here except you?"

"I am not jealous." She say looking outside thr window.

"Really? Then why are you acting like one?" I smirk.

"I am not, okay? Aish, you're really annoying." She murmur.

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