Chapter 21

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[Hi! So, I'm pissed--just a little, about someone who's ranting about the smut on my stories. I mean, if any of you guys is not comfortable about reading 18+ content, just skip it and don't read. I don't mean to ruin your 'innocent' minds. Also, don't expect that wattpad stories don't have this kind of content because we don't live in past ages. So, please just skip it if you don't want it. Thank you.]


"Baby! Where are you?" I called as I open the door.

Lisa called me that Jennie is not working today because she's feeling sick. So I rush over to her place, thinking that I'm forgetting something but I don't bother to recall since I need to check my Jennie. I went to her room and see her rolled up by the blanket on her bed. She looks like a cinnamon roll, so cute.

"Jisoo...I'm sick. You shouldn't be here." She whined when she sees me standing by the door.

"Why? I should be here because I'm going to take care of you." I say moving to the bed.

"Nooo. You'll get sick too if you stay here."

"I don't care. I need to take care of you." I say kissing her forehead. She's hot, like literally.

"But I don't want you to get sick." She pouts like a baby.

"It's okay Jendeuk." I chuckled and kiss her cheeks.

"No kissing Jichu."

Because I'm stubborn, I kissed her. Her lips is super warm.

"Jisoo. The virus might transfer to you if you keep on kissing me." She scold.

"Have you taken your medication?" I asks while chuckling.

"Not yet." She shake her head. "I feel muscle pain, I can't move from my bed."

"Aww, my poor baby." I coo. "I'll make food and bring your medicine here, okay? Just rest for now."

She nod like kid. I took my phone and capture a photo of her like a cinnamon roll. So cute, she look at me when she heard me giggling.

"Why are you giggling?" She rasp out with confusion.

"Oh nothing, I just realized that I have a human size cinnamon roll." I chuckled kissing her forehead.

"Jisoo, I'm not a cinnamon roll!" She protest in the most cutest way.

"Right baby." I laugh before going out of her room.

I prepared a porridge and take out the medicine she will be taking. Heading back on her room, I silently humming a song inside my head. I carefully place the tray on the bedside table and gently wake her up.

"Baby? Time to eat." I whisper.

She opened her eyes and fpr a second she looks lost not until our eyes met. She smile with that gummy cheeks before slowly sitting up.

"How was your feeling?" I asks getting the bowl of porridge.

"My head hurts and I feel so cold." She shiver a bit.

"I'll lower down the aircon temperature." I say grabbing the remote.

"Thank you." She smiles again.

I smile back at her and feed her. She's strated whining when I fed her 3 spoons of food and said she don't want to eat any.

"You should finish this Jendeuk, you're going to take your medicine." I softly say while aiming the spoon on her mouth.

"I might throw it up later." She whimper.

"Just one more."

"You said it like 10 times already." She pout.

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