Chapter 14

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"She's mad at me!" Lisa bawled when she enters my room.

"She's mad at me too." I sigh staring at the ceiling.

She flopped beside me and sniffs. Jennie is right, I lied. I'm a liar but I did that because I need to. I have nothing in mind that can make me close to her. I knew Jennie since we we're in high school. I'm a nerd ass back then but a popular one. The only thing that didn't know me is Jennie. I admire her since then, I'm just coward to make a move and be friends with her. But then when college life began, we still goes to the same school. And her friend Lisa, accidentally pushed me that I've almost got hit by a car, became my crackhead friend. We became so close that I slipped telling her that I'm into Jennie, she squealed happily. I kept my feelings inside not until I grew up some shit to make a move and then there...I pretend to be a ghost. A dumb thinking but actually works, it made her believed. I got a chance to be with her, sleep in the same bed, got a kiss and see her everyday. But there is no secret that won't be keep forever, and so she finds out.

"I'm sorry for dragging you in this situation."

"Nah! Don't mind it, just be sure that you'll end up together or else I will beat the shit of you!" She threatened harshly.

"Woah, woah! Calm down!" I sit up.

"Just move your ass bitch. Get your grumpy girl. I'll just take a nap here before fetching my chipmunk."

She muffled on my pillow, moving her one hand like she was shooing me away. I grab a pillow and smack her back before getting out of bed. She groan but I ignore her and enter the bathroom. I need to tame my Jennie and let her forgive me. I've been doing this for a week, but still there's no progress.

I wear shorts, baggy shirt that was tucked infront with black sneakers, and white cap. When I went out of the yard, I looked around to see the other house if there's someone there but when there's none, I quickly picked a stem of white skeleton flower. I forgot its real name, but this kind of flower becane transparent when water touches its petals. I jog towards my car and stop for a moment in a cafè shop.

"Please tell me you're not here to ruin my kitchen." Seulgi sighs when I enter her shop.

"Of course not!" I said walking to the direction of her kitchen. "But let me just borrow it for a while." I smile sheepishly.

I didn't wait for her confirmation, I push the door and grab an apron. I turn my cap to the back of my head and push the fabric on my shoulder upper.

"Let's get this on!" I say full of courage.

After an hour of messing the kitchen with flour, well not really, just a little bit I guess?

"I shouldn't have let you in here!" Seulgi growls when she sees the mess.

"I made the cupcakes!" I squeal happily instead, setting aside her grumpy face. "Look!"

"I'm sorry Jennie, with a sad face?" She read out the letter in each cupcakes.

"I need to make it up for my girl."

"Your girl?" She asks raising her brow.

I scratched my head. "Well, wish me luck instead."

She chuckled and clicked her tongue. "I've got a nice box out there, a black one." She suggests.

"I'll get that!" I nod with a smile.

She went out to get the box as I wash my hands and fix myself. When she came back, she helps me to decorate and place the cupcakes inside the box.

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