Chapter 25

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So, practically Jisoo is like living in my place again. She never go home, she literally stays here.

"What are you watching?"

Speaking off, there she goes. My pretty girlfriend. I was laying on the couch while watching some action movies.  She hover above me like it was a very usual--well, yes it is usual for us, and laid on top of me comfortably.

"Vice." I say, automatically wrapping my arms around her.

"Oh? You don't like disney movies?" She chuckled. "It's an action movie right? Where the girl is an artificial."

"I still love disney movies." I pout. "And yeah, did you watch it already?" I asks.

"Hmm." She hum as she nod.

After that, we fall into silence--a comfortable one. I can stay like this for a long time. Feeling her warmth is presence is quite satisfying even though we don't talk. I just want her close to me, where I can hold her.

I was paying attention on the movie and Jisoo is about to fall asleep when suddenly the doorbell rings. She groan against my chest.

"Are you expecting a visitor?" She asks.

"No, probably it was Lisa."

Based on the nonstop ringing of the doorbell and some kicks on the door, I can tell that it's Lisa.

"What a disturb."

"Go check it Chu." I chuckled, releasing her from my embrace.

"Nooooo." She whined childishly and grab my arms to wrap it again to her. "Let her be, she'll get tired and then go home."

"I don't think so. But maybe she will get a chainsaw and wreck my door so get up and open it." I say, lighlty giggling at her behaviour.

"Where is your fake gun?" She asks.

I furrowed and pointed on my room. "Why?"

She smirk and get up. "Nothing, I'll borrow it."

She sprint into my room to get the fake gun before running to the front door. She peeked on peephole while holding the gun like she was in an action movie. I roll my eyes while watching her. I don't even know why I love her even though she's a hundred percent dork. Tsk, okay I just really love her inspite of whatever.


Lisa shouts followed by a kick.

"I swear, if there's even a tiny scratch on my door. I will break her neck." I growl.

Jisoo just laugh and peeked again on the peephole.

"Lisa, sshh your mouth." Chaeyoung scold.

Well, maybe Lisa is much crazier than Jisoo.

"FREEZE!" Jisoo says sternly when she open the door, aiming the gun at Lisa.

"FREE--yah! I was going to say that!" Lisa complained with a stomp of her feet. A gun was on her hand.

Or maybe they are both crazy.

"Hey, Jen--what the! Let me go!"

Chaeyoung was about to walk pass through them but Jisoo grab her and pretend to choke her with her left arm.

"You're my hostage." Jisoo says, pointing the gun on Chaeyoungs head.

Now, the other normal person got involved in their craziness.

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