Chapter 10

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When monday morning came, it was odd to not see Jisoo around. But I just shrug it off and move to prepare myself to go to work. Tying my hair into a messy bun, I walked to the kitchen to have some breakfast.

I was about to open the fridge when my eyes caught a sticky note and a stem of flower.

Good morning!
~ Gorgeous J.Kim.

It was just a simple message but it strangely flip my stomach in a weird way. I've never felt this before and I don't know if it is good or bad. I pick the flower and sniff it. Lavander. A smile creep into my face my lips. My days feels lighter and brighter for some reason. I put the sticky note and flower on the table as I make my breakfast. I was humming a song while preparing it. When I'm done eating my breakfast, I took the flower and note to my room. I open one of my drawers and put it inside.

When I go to work, my workers greeted me and it made them wander in confusion when I greeted them back or smiles at them.

"Woah! Woah! Stop right there!" Lisa says once I step inside my office.

"Why?" I asks stopping on my track.

"There is something different from you." She noticed. "You're face is glowing. What in the miracle!?" She exaggerates.

I roll my eyes and moves to sit on my swivel chair.

"Really Jen, something good happened?"

"It's nothing Lisa."

I open my laptop to check emails. She walks over and sit across my table. She squint her eyes as she place her elbow on the table and rest her chin on her hand.

"Are love?" She say out of the blue.

"What the fuck is that!?" I scowl, looking at her in disbelief.

"Wow. An smart ass Jennie Kim don't know what is 'in love." She rolled her eyes.

"Of course I know that idiot!" I grab a folder and smack it on her head.

"Aww!" She whimpered and pout.

"You're ruining my day."

"So someone made up you're day?" She smirks.

"N-no." I stutter and felt a hot blush covered my face.

"Ahuh! I knew it!! She exclaimed. "You're in love!" She squeal happily. "I'm gonna tell this to Chaeyoung. This is so--"

"Lisa!" I called to stop her from talking nonsense. "I am not in love, okay?" I clarify.

So what if Jisoo did that? It's just nothing, really. Who the fuck cares if it makes me feel butterflies in my stomach and makes me happy...a bit. That doesn't mean I'm in love because she's an annoying creature and I can't fall for her. It's way too imposible to happen and I'm afraid.

"Deny all you want." She motion her hand. "But I'm aure you'll wake up one day and you'll realized that you're truly inlove."

"Ugh! You're talking disgusting things." I pretend to gag.

"That isn't disgusting. You can't just relate of how in love person talks. But don't worry, you'll talking like this soon." She winks.

"That will never gonna happen!" I assured her.

"Blablabla...whatever. At least I'm happy that there's a progress in your dark shade of love life."

"I'm hungry. Let's go now." Chaeyoung says while clinging in Lisa's arm.

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