Chapter 2

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"Are you a fucking intruder!? How did you break in!?" I gritted still pointing what's in my hand to her.

"Oh please, put that thing down. That can't even scratch the tip of my hair." She roll her eyes.

Then my eyes falls into my hand and I feel my cheeks burned up when I'm holding my unicorn squishy toy.

"I ahm..." I cleared my throat and hide the stuff behind my back.  "Hey! I told you don't eat my food!" I growl when she's shuffling in my fridge again.

"Just let me eat. I'm so hungry and I don't know when was the last time I ate." She say shoving anything she picked in the fridge.

I scoff and watch her in disbelief when she plated herself a full course of food then sit on the chair. Not minding that I'm even existing or bothering where she is.

"I'm calling the security." I say marching towards the living room to get my phone. Dialing the security number, I didn't noticed that she's already standing behind my back.

"Please don't." She beg.

"Jesus!" I jump a bit and glared at her.

"Please?" She gave me the puppy eyes look plus she's pouting her lips.

"Don't give me that look. You ain't changing my mind."

The other line is ringing yet she's still doing the same look.

"Ugh! Fine!" I groan in defeat. "But you will tell me who are you and how did you get in here, you get me?" I widen my eyes at her.

"You know you're doing things that is illegal." She clicked her tongue while crossing her arms.

"Excuse me?" I huff. "You are the one who's doing illegal. You're trespassing!" I shove my index finger on her shoulder.

"You're fucking hot and it's rude! That's why it's illegal!" She snorts but her lips form into a smirk.

My tongue roll back and I can't find the words to response. She got me there but this is not the time to be flustered.

"Sit!" I ordered and motion my head to the couch.

She quickly obliged and sit. I sit in the single couch while we're facing each other. She's just looking at me with her palms resting on her lap.

"Who are you?" I asks crossing both of my arms and my legs.

"I am..." She trailed off and frown. Like she was get confused and can't find the right answer.

"Don't you dare lie to me. Tell me your real name." I warned.

"I don't remember. I don't know my name." She whisper looking down on her fingers.

Is she serious!?

"I'm not here to play games. Tell me or else I will let the security get you, for real."

She looked up to me and I can't read anything in her eyes, except for the confusion. Like she was lost.

"I'm telling the truth. I don't know my name." She say.

I lean on my seat and observe her. I look straight into her eyes and I need to pull back quickly before I got lost in it. It's shows nothing, her eyes feels so empty.

"Then how you get in here?"

"I don't know either." She shrug. "I just woke up lying on the cold floor. And your dog kept on licking my face that's when I woke up." She say.

"You can't just be here just like that!" I glared at her. Not believing any single word on her words.

"You think a person will lie to escape this kind of situation? I say what I know and I tell what's the truth." She look into me that intense stare.

I'm Sorry, I Lied.Where stories live. Discover now