Chapter 11

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3 weeks of Jisoo's stay...

Every day that passes by, I'm not liking what am I feeling towards Jisoo. This is not supposed to happen...I shouldn't be developing a feelings for her! She's a fucking unexplainable creature. Who knows if she's real or not. What's worst if one day she just fade away or gone without any notice. So to stop this stupidity of mine, I should stop myself from liking her more. This is not right, not so fucking right. I need to let her leave, get rid of her. I only have one week, yet there is still no progress. Irene is having a hard time searching more informations about Jisoo.

If I able to do it within a week, I can completely get rid of her. And if not she will still leave, but without any information for what happened to her. I know it's important for her to know what's her past, why this kind of situation is happening to her. I sigh problematically while tapping my pen on the table. I can just let her leave, right? But I made a deal with her, that I will help her. And when talking for a deal, it means like promising to me. Basically I promised to help her to know her past.

"Jennie?" Jisoo called when she entered my mini office.

"I don't want any distraction Jisoo." I say coldly.

"But I'm--"

"Jisoo, please!" I hissed. "Can't you see I still have works to do!? Plus this stupid deal I have made with you!" I raised my voice causing her to flinch a bit.

It was late to hold back myself. I'm stressed, mixed with work and my confuse feelings toward her. Shocked was written on her face as pain crosses it too. Suddenly my temper soften and feel sorry.

"Hey, I didn't mean to shout at you." This time my voice is way softer than earlier.

"It's okay. I'm sorry." She mumble lowly while lowering her voice.

Damn it! I just hurt her feelings. My body seems not want to move, so I just stare at her with guilty in my eyes.

"I just want to tell that I um..." Her heaf is still low. "...nevermind." She added before walking away.

Just great Jennie Kim! It frustrates me more. I need someone to talk to or to eat ice cream with me to lessen up my stress. I move my ass to the kitchen and I didn't see any trace of Jisoo. I sigh and tilt my head when my eyes darted kn what's on the table. I walk over to it and see that it was a fully plated hot dumplings. The weather today is not cold, but I remember mentioning to her that sometimes I crave for dumplings when I'm so stressed at work.

Did she went to call me so that I can eat this? And being a stupid as I am, I shouted at her. I sit on the chair and hold the spoon. I scoop one and blow on it before putting it on my mouth.

"Wow. This is delicious." I mumble silently then eat another one.

Before I know it, I already finished the bowl of dumplings. I put the empty bowl on the sink and walks out of the kitchen. I saw Kuma lying on the corner. Usually Kuma will follow Jisoo whenever she goes. Maybe she's in the game room. I dragged my feet towards the game room and slowly push the door open, but to my dismay it was empty. Where'd she go? Did she..leave? Did I hurt her that bad? But I didn't mean it.

Evening came, and still no sign of her. Why is she not coming out? She's pissing me again. My stomach is rumbling, it's already late yet I'm still not eating my dinner. I'm waiting for her so that I can apologize properly. I tried calling her but her phone is in my room. I'm just gonn eat my dinner outside. Maybe when I came back, she's already here.

I choose to eat in a steak house. There we're few costumers since it was already late in the evening. While eating, I noticed a guy who keeps looking at me. I didn't bother to waste my time looking back at him and hust continue to my food.

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