Chapter 19

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"Dalgome! Get that thing back here, now!"

I said with my hands rested on both side pf my hips. It's like I'm a mother scolding my son.

"Dalgome!" I called again but he just stare at me with dull look before running away with my sick on his mouth.

"I have to see my baby, give my sock baaaack!"

I chase him around but he's really stubborn and don't have the plan to give it back to me.  When I catch him, we tug my sock my and ended up tearing it apart. I glared at him and if he's a human, he's glaring back at me for sure.

"Be thankful that I love you or else I will get you back on the street." I huff crossing my arms.

Suddenly he wiggled his tails and let out his tongue in a very cute way before running on my lap. He started licking my hand and give me a puppy eyes. I roll my eyes while laughing.

"You really know how to play it well huh?" I pet him and he just bark twice.

I went back to my room to get another pair of sock, right then my phone started ringing.

Limario calling...

I pick up my phone and distance it from my air for a moment because...

[JISOO!] She shouted.

See? That's the purpose.

"We're on a phone Lisa. How many times do I have to tell to stop shouting?"

I say wearing my socks.

[Sorry.] She chuckled. [Anyway, check your Instagram. I'll bet money that you'll be jealous after seeing it.]

"Why? What is it? A bucket of free chicken that I can't have?"

[Nooo. Just go see it!]

She demanded and hanged up the call. Out of curiosity I open my Instagram and the image I saw quickly boiled up my temper. It was Jennie with another girl, they looked so close and Jennie looked so clingy toward the girl. Who's this? Why are they so clingy?

I huff and quickly grab my car key and stormed out of my house. When I started the engine, that's when I remember that I don't know where she is. It's sunday and based on the photo date and time, it's 10 mins ago. The location is not indicated. Argh! I grab my phone and call Lisa.

[I won! My moneeeey.] She sings happily.

"Where is that place?" I asks instead.

[Well, I don't know. Maybe in Chahee's house.] She says.

"Chaehee? Is that the girl she's with?" I furrowed.

[Yeah, I think Jennie will be staying there for the whole day.]

I can feel that Lisa is teasing me right now.

"Whyyyyy? What are they? They looked so close."

[They're friends? A close and clingy one?]

I sigh and ended the call. Jennie is not like that when it comes to me. She always feels annoy and want to shoo me away. She never acted so clingy and touchy. It makes my heart feel pain, a pinch, hundreds of pinch. The day when Jennie said I'm her girlfriend, I feel so happy! But everytime I acted and say that she's mu girlfriend, she always push me away and tell me that I am not her girlfriend. I don't know what's with her to say it if she don't mean it at all.Maybe I don't stand a chance at all.

I drove to Jennie's flat, I'll just wait for her. When I arrived at her place, Kuma greeted me. I glance at my watch and it's past 3pm. Hmm? I'll cook dinner. I enter the kitchen and open the fridge for something to cook.

Stew? Sounds good. I pull out all the ingredients and my phone. I'm not a good cook but I can manage as long as I have a guide of procedure. I googled the procedure and started doing the ingredients. I even accidentally cut my finger but it's not that bad. A satisfied smile creep on my lips when I tasted the food.


She'll be here any moment. I placed the plates, glass and utensils on the table. I probably should call her. I dialed her number and it keeps on ringing. I tried again but still, she didn't pick it up. Maybe she's driving on her way now.

7 o'clock. The food is cold yet she's still not here. But I can't blame her if I wait too long. She didn't know that I'm here though.

9:12pm. I put all the utensils on it's place and put the food on the fridge. It's useless. I write a sticky note and stick it on the fridge. I was about to leave her place but the door open first.

"Jisoo?" She looked shock as she enter. "What are you doing here?" She asks.

My eyes landed on her neck and saw something that ruined more my mood.

"Nothing, I iust fees Kuma." I say coldly and moves to step out of the door.

"Wait. It's late, are you going home?" She hold my wrist to stop me.

"I'm fine. I can take care of myself." I say pulling my wrist back.

"But it's already late. Something bad might happen at the road, you should spend the night here." She say.

I face her with a dull look. "Something bad already happened Jennie. And one more thing, don't act like you're a caring girlfriend for I am not your girlfriend."

I see how her face distort into something that I can't read.

"Jisoo, I care because you're my friend."

"Right, a friend!" Pain rushes into my system. "Just a friend Jennie and it hurts me! I want you more than that, I want you to be mine!"

I can't hold it back and let myself cry infront of her. I don't care if I look shit or what. I'm hurt, pain is screaming inside of me. I just rejected, again.

"I always show you how much I love you. I make sure that I make you feel it too. But all of it is fucking useless." I sob. "Because you never give me a chance to make you mine. You never made me feel like you wanted me too in your life. I'm tired Jennie."

"Jisoo I--"

I cut her off. "No, it's okay Jennie. I'm fine, I'm going to be fine." I smile at her but I know it didn't reach my eyes. "Looks like you have someone and enjoyed the day anyway. See you around I guess." I shrug and walk away.

My heart is beating so fast that it hurst me. I can't breath and I hate it. Is that why she can't love me back? Because she's already with someone else? And that fucking hickey! A real evidence that she's already taken. When I reach my car, I smack my head on the steering wheel. I'm a fool but what can I do? I love her so much. And maybe I need time to rest because no matter how I try to win her if she's already inlove with someone else, it's useless.

"Jisoo? Why are you crying? Come here!" Jin pull me inside and hugged me tight.

I hug him back and cried. I didn't talk, I just let my emotion rush over.

"Hey, hey. It's okay." He soothe rubbing my back.

"It hurts Jin. I hate it, I don't want to feel this."

"Tell me what happen." He say softly.

I nod and we sit on the living room.

"You have drinks here?"

He eyed me for a moment before nodding. He went into the kitchen and get back with a can of beers. He open it for me.

That night, I tell everything, the pain. I can say that it feels good when I have someone to rent on about this. Somehow it makes my heart feel lighted, yet the pain is still there.

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