Chapter 15

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[I got flat 1 grade on my Japanese class! Yay! I love the subject.]


"Open up!"

I heard someone shout at the door while knocking it nonstop. I just sight deeply and cover my head with my pillow, ignoring the annoying sound outside my room.

"Jisoo!" Lisa tries again. "Open this door, Chaeyoung and I is so worried about you."

I grip the pillow and wipe my tears before getting up to open the door for them. Unlocking the door, I quickly jump back on my bed then cover myself with the blanket.

"Jisoo." Chaeyoung soft voice call me, I feel the side of my bed dip and suddenly I felt someone hugging me.

I set my jaw to stop myself from sobbing.

"We bought food, your favorite." She added.

"I'm not hungry." I choke out.

"Don't lie, you've been here for 3 days. Locking up yourself." She sigh. "Come on, don't starve yourself to death."

My stomach is grumbling since they were right. I don't how I survive without eating properly in 3 whole days. I sit up only to meet their sad faces.

"We never see you cry..." Lisa sniffs and throw herself to hug me. "...It must be really hurt."

Chaeyoung on the other side was already wiping her tears.

"Aww man, stop being a cry baby guys. Don't make me cry for more." I say pulling to Chaeyoung to her also.

"We're just sad." Chaeyoung sobs.

"I'm fine, I'm going ti be fine." I assure them with a soft chuckle.

Though I'm not even sure of that. Jennie's words really stab me to death, it hurts so much. We pull away from the hug as Chaeyoung goes to the kitchen to prepare the food they brought.

"How is she?" I asks Lisa.

"I should be the one who's asking you that." She sigh. "But she's fine, I guess? She tends to get angry easily in just small things."

"I can tell that she's more scarier now."

"You bet!" She nod. "She really needs to get someone who will make her whip."

"I wish I can be that someone."

Another day, but not another day to cry my eyes out. I woke up early to breathe some fresh air while having a jog outside. This could at least freshen up my mind from the pain.

I go to a near park and started jogging. There we're some people who's doing the same thing as me. When I get 5 laps, I walk to rest on a bench. I wipe my sweat and drink water. The sun is already showing and I love it how it touches my skin. So warm...just like her smile. I wish I can see that again. I grip my tumbler as my eyes start to water again.

"A girl like you should be cheerish, not to get hurt."

Suddenly someone sit beside me. I turn my head to see her and it was a girl.

"Today is a great day. Better smile brightly like how the sun brightens up our day." She added then smile at me.

"I uhmm..."

"I'm Nayeon, how about you?" She asks still smiling.

"Jisoo." I answer.

She nod and look forward. "You look sad."

I look away and chew my bottom lip, don't know what to say to her. I mean she's a stranger, I can't just tell her about me.

"I'm just having a hard time."

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