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That night they slept outside, and in the morning, after driving for another hour, they stopped and searched some cars. Mary didn't seem any better, and stayed in the car with Carl, the teenager holding both of his sisters gently. Rick came back with some cans, and they cooked them all, Carl, Rick, Mary, and Judith sharing a can of kidney beans, Rick mashing Judith's up then feeding them to her.
"Okay. It's about an hour away, so everyone goes in one car except for me, Tyreese, Glenn, Noah, and Michonne," Rick announced to the group, "and you stay away while we go in. There's a little town nearby, so we'll meet you there, and you can scavenge a little."
"I really wanna come with you." Mary whined weakly.
"No, baby. You're too sick. You're gonna stay with Carl and Maggie and Uncle Daryl."
"Okay." Mary sighed.
"I'll see you three soon, okay?" Rick said gently.
"I've got them, dad." Carl assured.
"Yeah, I know." Rick nodded. He kissed the top of Judith's head, then Carl's, then Mary's, then he left, the small group leaving.
"Alright. Come on." Carol ordered gently, and everyone piled into the car, Mary on Maggie's lap, Judith on Carl's. Mary was okay until twenty minutes into the drive, when she vomited all over the seats.
Abraham stopped the car immediately and couldn't help but sigh. "Everyone out."
"Are you okay, honey?" Maggie soothed as everyone got out.
"No." Mary whispered, leaning out of the car and throwing up again.
"Oh shit." Daryl sighed, as Carl held Mary's hand, and Maggie held her ponytail back.
"Her wound looked better this morning," Carl said in confusion, "there was no pus or anything."
"I don't know." Maggie sighed. "Are you done, baby girl?"
Mary nodded softly, leaning back and going to hug Maggie, then she turned and threw up again. "It's okay. Get it out." Maggie whispered, Carl stroking Mary's back.
"Rosita?!" Daryl shouted, and the woman came over.
"I don't know." She answered before anyone could ask her what was wrong or what to do.
"How's she throwin' up so much? She's barely eaten." Daryl sighed in confusion.
"Are you done now, Moo?" Carl asked gently, and Mary nodded, vomit down her dungarees.
"According to the map there's a river ahead," Tara pointed out, "I'll go fill up the water bottles and wash her clothes."
"Thank you." Carl smiled gratefully, and Tara nodded, a slight grimace on her face.
"I'll come." Sasha volunteered, grabbing a few water bottles.
"Come here, get out of those dungarees." Maggie soothed, undressing Mary, leaving her in her underwear and bandage. Carl grabbed the last bottle of water, and washed Mary down, then she drank some, and Daryl gave her his angel waistcoat. Wrapped in the waistcoat, Mary cried in Daryl's arms, her skin paler than before, as Carol and Carl cleaned the car out, leaving all the windows and doors open.
"I knew today was going too well." Abraham muttered, and Carl lifted up his middle finger at him.
"She's sick! Don't!" He hissed, as Carol gently hit his hand, knocking the rude gesture down.
About twenty minutes later, Tara and Sasha returned with Mary's dungarees, slightly smelly but clean. Everyone got back in the car, the windows down, and they drove to the small down, the smell making everyone nauseous. Five minutes before they arrived, Carl looked at Mary and his eyes went wide.
"Maggie!" He warned, and Maggie realised why, and she opened the window, lifting Mary up and shoving half of the five year old out of the window, just in time, as she vomited out of the window.
"Is she normally car sick?" Tara asked with raised eyebrows.
"No." Carl replied, reaching over and stroking Mary's back.
"Are you feeling better?" Maggie asked quietly, pulling Mary back to her chest, and Mary shook her head.
"No, I'm gonna..." Mary cried softly, and Maggie put her out of the window again, and she vomited yet again.
"All done?" Daryl asked softly, turning around to look at her.
"Hmm." Mary nodded weakly. Carl gave her her drink bottle, and she drank a little, sobbing. "I want daddy!"
"We'll see him soon. Look, we're here," Maggie soothed, "and this is where we're meeting them."
Carol looked back at Maggie and smiled softly. If it wasn't for Mary needing her attention, Maggie would be in a darker place. Mary was helping her. They got out, and Mary drank some water, then closed her eyes, still on Maggie's lap.
"When will daddy get here?"
"Soon." Maggie replied gently. "Go to sleep. Yeah?"
"Yeah. 'M tired." Mary nodded, closing her eyes.
Everyone left, leaving Carol holding Judith, the woman still recovering. When they came back, Carl had a tub of baby formula, and made Judith a bottle, but not after giving Mary a packet of chewy mints and a juice box. Mary drank most of it, shoving the straw into Maggie's mouth after she's had enough, to share it.
"You finish it." Maggie replied gently. "It's about time for your medicine now, it's midday." Carl overheard, and grabbed Mary's tablets, putting one in her mouth. She took it with her juice, then went to sleep, clinging to Maggie, crying in her sleep.
She didn't even wake up when Rick and the others got back, and when Sasha fell to the floor in shock, hearing that her brother wasn't coming back, and when the whole group began to cry. She didn't wake up and Maggie cried, holding her tightly, or when Noah sobbed by then, or when Rick dug the grave, his hands shaking.
"Maggie?" Mary cried as she woke up, looking around in bewilderment.
"I'm here." Maggie replied tiredly.
"Is daddy back?"
"Yeah, daddy's back." The woman nodded, getting up and walking over to Rick, who was holding Judith close while he sat in shock.
"Hey Moo." Rick smiled tiredly, trying to hide his emotions in front of the fragile child. Maggie put her down, and Mary snuggled into Rick's side, making sure not to lean on her bad hip. "Listen, I have some very sad news. Tyreese died when we was looking at the new place."
"Tyreese?" Mary whispered shakily, trying to comprehend the news.
"Oh." Mary whispered, beginning to cry shakily.
"I'm sorry, sweetie. I know it's hard."
"He was so kind. He looked after me and Judy."
"I know, baby. I know." Rick said shakily. "We're gonna bury him now. Come on."
They stood around the grave, Tyreese inside, and Rick passed Judith over to Carl, his hand on Carl's shoulder. Sasha looked shocked, like she couldn't believe her brother was gone, and Mary could understand. Even though she was only five, she couldn't imagine losing Carl. Each person filled in a little of the grave, then Glenn took Mary as Rick finished filling the grave.
"Mary," Glenn asked suddenly, noticing Mary was simply wrapped in Daryl's leather vest, "where's your clothes?"
"I threw up. A lot."
"Oh. Right. Are you better now?" He asked gently.
"Yeah. I had a nap. I was sick all over the car, then again, and the car stopped and again, then we was driving and Maggie put me out of the window when I was sick."
"Uh oh." Glenn said softly, sitting down by Maggie. "Heard you're throwing toddlers out of the window."
"She's not a toddler." Maggie replied, not looking at Glenn. Glenn sighed, and rested the side of his head on Maggie's shoulder. Suddenly, Maggie jolted, and moved Mary. "She's gonna throw up." She explained, and, as if on queue, Mary vomited on the grass next to Glenn.
"Mary?" Michonne asked, walking over in confusion.
"She's throwing up. Again." Glenn sighed.
"Yeah, she kept being sick earlier." Carl explained from aside. Michonne swore under her breath, and bent down next to Mary.
"Sweetie," she said pitifully, "Shall we go get you a drink?"
"I want daddy." Mary sobbed, and Michonne picked her up and took her to Rick.
"Rick? She's been sick again." Michonne said softly as Rick filled in the grave.
At the sound of Michonne's words, Rick sighed and walked over to the sobbing, pale child. "Oh, baby." Rick sighed, taking her off Michonne and kissing her forehead. "I don't know what to do." He whispered to Michonne, looking lost.
"I'll finish the grave." Michonne said softly, getting the spade. Rick went and sat in the car, holding Mary right to his chest.
"What do I do, Moo?" He whispered shakily. "What do I do?"
"I'm gonna get better." Mary mumbled, her eyes closed. Rick closed his eyes in frustration, unsure of how to deal with Mary and her illness. He couldn't do anything help her anymore. He knew he couldn't.

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