Q&A and the next book!

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Hiya! Hope everyone's well! I've posted the first part to the next book! It's titled Tomorrow Will Come so it's mean a lot of you could check it out! Put lots of work into it 💞💞💞 I also just want to say, thank you so very very much for all of the kind words you've all given me. It truly has warmed my heart, and I'm so grateful for you all.
And here's the Q&A!

Is it difficult writing from the point of view from a young child?
Yes and no! I prefer to write in third person, so I feel like as this trilogy has been in third person, it hasn't been to hard to write, but if it had been in first person I feel like it would have been much harder as children have a very different perspective on life, so getting all the details would have been harder.

What's going to be the hardest thing for Mary?
She's got some hard stuff ahead, but one of the hardest things for her is going to be accepting that Michonne is leaving to try and find Rick - she's got a battle going on inside her of if she leaves too, or stays with Judith and RJ. You'll have to wait and see to find out what's gonna happen!

What was the saddest scene to write?
I'm honestly not sure because there's been so many! Glenn and Carl's death scenes were heartbreaking, and probably the second to last chapter where Mary saw Michonne for the first time after the final battle against Negan. Honestly though, quite a lot of them were really sad. Another two scenes that I've already written were quite sad; one of which was where a new character, Toby, tells Mary what happened to his little brother - that was quite sad even though it's a short piece. This scene also made me cry as I wrote it so I'm gonna insert a small piece of it here!

<<<Mary grinned broadly, looking at the metal porta-cabin. It was where Toby's group once lived. Where she kept them safe. Where she got to know her first love. And now there was a sign on the front of the door; "The Siddiq Ali Memorial Medical Center"
It was going to work.
Mary was there, as a doctor. She'd trained an assistant, a younger boy called Sam, and they worked in perfect harmony. They were going to save lives. Save people's Carl's, and Rick's, and Siddiq's, and Lori's, and Glenn's. >>>

How old will Mary be after both time jumps?
Our girl has just turned fourteen!

Will Mary be friends with Lydia?
Mary will have concerns about Lydia, but they have too much in common to not be friends!

Will teenage Mary get a love interest?
Yes! And that's all I'll say so far ;)

Is there many new original characters?
There's a few! Mary finds a new group at one point early on in the book, and makes firm relationships with many of these. Additionally, Mary has a best friend, Daisy.

Thoughts on Negan?
From an ethical standpoint, I agree with Rick's decision to keep him as a prisoner and not kill him - I agree with second chances. With Mary, her relationship with Negan is very different to Judith and Negan's relationship - she is still broken hearted over Glenn, and partially blames him for Carl's death. It's going to be an interesting relationship to explore over this book.

Favourite TWD character?
This is sooo hard! Absolutely adored Glenn, Rick, and Carl, but I've got a soft spot for Maggie, Rosita, and Siddiq too.

Who's death affected Mary the most?
I think Glenn's in a way! Glenn's death signified the end of a lot of things for Mary; end of her safety net, of her best friend, of someone that she truly trusted, and in some ways, part of her childhood. Glenn's death made her see the world in a different way. Although Carl's death was horrific for her, and completely ended her childhood, and changed her life, I think Glenn's death was the cornerstone for the massive change in Mary's life. And obviously, Rick's "death" was absolutely horrific for Mary, but you'll see how that effects her soon.

Any hobbies?
Honestly, I'm pretty boring. I love writing and reading, and I ADORE languages, so spend a lot of time learning them. I'm also a horse rider and a swimmer.

Where are you from?
Im English!

Will Mary ever know the truth about how Rick and Lori aren't her biological parents?
In a way, yes, but in a way, no. She learns somethings about her past, but others will remain a mystery.

Any new books coming out?
I need to carry on updating Just Run, so that's a priority at the moment, but I do have TWO walking dead books that I'll release soon!

When will updates be?
For Tomorrow Will Come, Ill be updating on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.

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