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As Glenn held Mary, and Maggie stood by them, her arm around Mary, kissing the top of her head, other people stepped out; a tall and muscly man with ginger hair and a moustache, a tall dark haired man who looked nervous and awkward, and two dark haired women.
Maggie stepped backwards slightly, holding Mary's hand. "They're our friends. They helped save us."
"Yeah. Now they're friends of ours." Daryl nodded.
"For however long that'll be." The ginger man muttered, and Glenn glared at him, then purposefully looked down at Mary.
"No. They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out." Rick nodded slowly, looking out of a crack in the door.
"Find out what?"
"They're screwing with the wrong people." Rick said firmly.
"We're fighting back? How?" Carl asked shakily.
Mary smiled softly through her tears, and pulled out her hidden knife. "I got this."
"You never fail to surprise me." Rick smiled, taking it off her and kissing her cheek. "We make weapons. Any way we can."
"This is Abraham," Maggie introduced suddenly, "and this is Rosita, Eugene, and Tara."
Rick nodded, but Michonne spoke up. "I'm Michonne. Daryl, Rick, and Rick's two, Mary and Carl."
"Glenny." Mary sobbed, clinging into him. "Glenny."
"I've got you. I've got you." The man soothed, sinking down onto the floor whilst holding her.
"Judith died. And Tommy. And I hurt. My hip and my heart." Mary sobbed, and Glenn held her even tighter.
"It's okay now." Maggie lied, sitting down next to her and stroking the back of her head.
"I got worried you was all gone." Mary cried, Glenn's shirt balled up in her hands. "And I missed you and a nasty man hurt me and Carl. He hurt me."
"I'm so sorry." Glenn replies, not knowing what to say. And he just held her as she cried, and cried, and cried.

"We're on a mission, actually," Abraham explained to everyone, "to get Eugene to Washington. He knows the cute. To end this thing."
"End it?" Mary whispered into Maggie's chest, now being held by her.
"I'm a scientist on the human genome project." Eugene explained.
"So were on our way to DC. We found these five, and came here. They seemed nice enough but I was ready to go. We just got here but damn, It was time to go. When I told them about DC a winks and a nod from the head asshole in charge, they pulled their guns and it was right back to our regularly scheduled shitstorm."
"Before they put you in here, you didn't see Tyreese?" Sasha asked suddenly.
"Good." She nodded.
"It's not good. He might be gone." Mary mumbled, but only Maggie heard her.
"Okay sweetie. But don't say that to Sasha, okay? It's not a kind thing to say."
Mary nodded, then she sighed. "I shouted you. Was you okay?"
"When I nearly died. I got shot." Mary mumbled.
"I found her shot. We managed to track Rick and Carl." Michonne explained softly. "Her wound's infected so she's a bit..."
"Yeah." Maggie nodded, looking at how tired and clingy and a bit delirious Mary was.
"I'm sorry about your daddy."
"Thank you sweetie. Did... Did anyone see if Beth got out?"
"Yeah," Daryl said softly, "she was with me. Then there was Walkers, and we got separated. She got taken. I saw a black car with a white cross painted on it. I tried to follow it. I tried."
"But she's alive?" Maggie asked with a smile.
"She's alive." Daryl nodded firmly.
"Tommy died." Mary repeated again, still crying.
"I know sweetie. I know." Maggie whispered into Mary's hair.
"Maggie, my hip hurts."
"I know honey."
"Mary," Rick called softly, and Mary nodded, and limped over, "why don't you have a nap? Yeah? Sit with Carl and have a sleep. It's night time now anyway."
Mary nodded, but crawled onto Rick's knee instead, and fell asleep there in seconds, clinging to him. When Rick put her down, she softly cried in her sleep, but stayed sleeping, her thumb in her mouth. When she woke up, she watched Rick saw off pieces of wood with a zip, but mostly just watched Rick.
"Daddy? If we get really hurt... Daddy, are we going to die?" Mary questioned, her body tired.
"You're not going to die. Do you think I'd let you?"
"But what if you can't protect me?" The child whispered.
"Do you think Carl would let you die? Or Maggie and Glenn? Or Michonne? Or your Uncle Daryl? We'll all protect you."
Mary nodded slowly, and Rick gently kissed her forehead. "I'll keep you safe."
"Alright got four of them pricks coming our way." Daryl hissed, and Rick pushed Mary to the far end of the carriage.
"I love you." He whispered, then walked away. "Y'all know what to do. Go for their eyes first. Then their throats." Rick ordered, and everyone got ready to fight, Mary in the corner, weak and in pain.
"Put your backs to the walls on either side of the car now!" A man ordered, and suddenly they heard footsteps on the roof, and a gas canister was thrown in.
"Move!" Abraham yelled, and everyone ran to the edges of the carriage, Rick grabbing Carl, then throwing himself over Mary, holding them both tightly, as the explosion rang out, and the gas was released, filling everyone's lungs. Mary was unconscious in seconds as she was small, then a man in a gas mask came into the carriage and began to grab men. Daryl. Bob. Glenn. Then he prised Rick away from Mary, the man barely awake.
Then they were gone.

When Mary awoke, she began to sob. Carl was holding her anyway, panic filling his stomach, but Maggie came over, as Carl was unable to calm her down. Mary was sure she'd lost her father, lost Glenn, lost Daryl. She hung onto Maggie's neck like a monkey, her face hidden into her shirt.
"Is she okay?" A woman asked gently, her eyes on Mary.
"She's fine. Yeah. Just misses her daddy." Maggie nodded, holding Mary close.
"Your daddy'll be okay. And I miss my daddy too." She smiled gently, sitting down next to Mary. "I'm Tara."
"Mary." The girl mumbled into Maggie's collarbone, her breath tickling Maggie.
"That's a cute name."
"It's really Mary Grimes. Grimes is special 'cos I share it with my daddy and Carlie. And Judith and mommy but they died." Mary explained, looking at Carl on the other side of her.
"I'm sorry. So did my mommy and sister."
"So did Maggie. But Bethy might still be alive."
Maggie went still, then kissed the top of Mary's head.
"Was you worried about me?" Mary asked Maggie quietly.
"Was Glenn? Daddy said that Glenn worried enough for both of us, so I couldn't worry about him."
"Yeah, Glenn was super worried about you."
"Maggie, I feel really bad." Mary cried suddenly, and Maggie sighed.
"What?" Carl asked, looking up at her worried face.
"She's got a bad fever. Mary, I need to look at your wound." Maggie said softly, laying Mary down, and pulling off her dungarees, then unwinding the bandage.
"What's wrong with her?" Rosita asked, walking over.
"She's got a gunshot wound." Maggie explained.
"Let me look." She nodded, sitting down by Mary and taking off the rest of her bandage. Mary flinched away, panicking when Rosita went to touch her, and Carl put a gentle hand on her shoulder.
"Hey, it's okay." He soothed, but Mary was still panicking, breathing heavily and crying.
"Mary, I need to look at it. I'm not going to hurt you, don't worry. Just stay calm, okay? I know it's scary. But I won't hurt you." Rosita explained gently, and Abraham looked over, almost smiling at Rosita being so sweet with the little girl.
Mary laid still, sobbing slowly, and Rosita took away all of Mary's dressings, letting out a sigh as she did so. It was red and puffy and a little pus was around it.
"This is bad." Rosita nodded.
"How bad?" Carl asked, fear taking root inside of him.
Rosita sighed, and looked at Carl. "Bad."
"But she's not gonna..." Maggie whispered, her voice trailing off. Rosita just looked at Maggie sadly, then turned away.
"She needs antibiotics."
Suddenly, there was a large explosion, shaking the whole carriage. "What the hell is going on?" Abraham shouted, banging on the door.
"Someone hit them."
"Maybe our people got free." Sasha suggested hopefully.
"Excuse me." Eugene mumbled, bending down to the bottom of the carriage door.
Rosita looked up from Mary's pale body. "What the hell are you doing?"
"I might be able to use this shell to compromise the door. From the sound of things, there may not be anybody left to open it."
"Eugene, I'm sorry but shut up." Tara said sharply.
"Okay." Eugene nodded. Rosita wound the bandage back around Mary, and Maggie redressed her, then held her softly. Carl got up, and walked over to the rest of the group, as did Maggie.
"Hey. My dad's gonna be back. They all are." Carl said firmly.
"They are. And we need to get ready to fight our way out with them when they do." Maggie replied, then put her hand into her pocket and pulled out Glenn's pocket watch. She gently put Mary down, then began to saw more wood with the chain.
And as Mary laid there she cried, her fever high, her eyes bleary, her body painful. She feared death was near.

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