Sixty four

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"Please can I come?" Mary asked Rick in a sad voice.
"Yeah. I don't mind, you can come as long as you're good. Safer with all of us lot than here with only Carol and Gabriel and Tara." Rick said gently.
"We gonna go soon?" Maggie asked, getting up.
"Should do, it'll take a while to get there." Jesus commented.
"I gotta get Mary ready, and we all need supplies," Rick snapped, "so at least an half hour."
"I can get her sorted." Michonne said softly.
Rick's eyes met hers with pure love, so obvious that even Mary could see it. "I need to talk to her. I'll get her ready." He said softly, and Michonne nodded back gently.
"What are they doing? They're acting like you and Maggie." Mary asked Glenn in confusion. Glenn just laughed, and stroked the back of her head.
"Daddy will explain. Go on, go with him to get ready. Can't go in your pyjamas."
"I can."
"No," Rick argued teasingly, "you can't. Come on."
Mary got off Glenn's lap, and held Rick's hand as they ran up the stairs. Once they were there, Rick sat Mary down on her bed, and kneeled on the floor opposite, their eyes locked on the same level.
"Listen, I know you have some questions. Michonne came out of my room earlier because she slept there last night." Rick explained slowly.
"Why? Did she have a bad dream and need a cuddle?" Mary questioned innocently.
"She... When two people like each other a lot, like Maggie and Glenn, like Denise and Tara, Aaron and Eric..."
"Carl and Enid? You and mommy?"
"Yeah, yeah, they can, they can count. Sometimes, if you like each other a lot, you want to spend a lot of time together. That's what me and Michonne was doin'. Spendin' , spendin' time together."
"Okay," Mary shrugged, "that's cool. I know you're best friends. Like me and Tommy before he died."
"Yeah. Listen, if me and Michonne ever loved each other, like Maggie and Glenn do, would you be okay with that? Or would it make you sad?"
"Are you in love?" Mary asked giddily, her eyes wide with excitement.
"Mary, just answer the question." Rick chuckled.
"I'd be super super super happy. Why would I be sad?"
"In case you thought I was replacing mommy." Rick explained gently.
"No. Mommy died. She'd want you to be in love again. I want you to. I love Mishy."
"Okay. Okay, thanks. I love you and Carl and Judith the most still though, okay?"
"I know." Mary smiled knowingly.
"Alright. Come on, give me a cuddle." Rick said lovingly, and Mary nuzzled into his chest, giving him a kiss.
"You're not in love though, you're just spending time together?" Mary asked in disappointment.
"For now."
"Soon you will be." Mary nodded forcefully, and Rick laughed softly, holding her a little tighter, kissing the top of her head.
"Okay. Okay, everyone wants to go soon, so come on, let's get you dressed. Dungarees?"
"Always." Mary nodded sincerely, and Rick laughed again, kissing the top of her head, his life suddenly full of love, something he never thought he would have an abundance of.
"Okay, dungarees on, shirt on, then get your backpack and put some spare clothes in it, just some leggings and a shirt, just in case we get stuck overnight. Put Carl Bunny in too, okay?"
"Okay." Mary mimicked, getting changed.
"Are you actually gonna do what I asked, or shall I pack your bag?"
"You." Mary nodded honestly, and Rick rolled his eyes but grabbed the Cinderella backpack Glenn had found Mary a few weeks ago, and put in some clean pairs of underwear, a shirt, and a pair of leggings, then added a few toy cars and Carl Bunny.
"I wanna hold it! Don't put Carl Bunny in that bag."
"Just until were in the RV, okay? I don't want you to lose it. Come 'ere, let me fix your hair." Ruck ordered. Obediently, Mary sat in front of him, passing him a hairbrush, and Rick gently combed out the tangles, then entwined it onto two (slightly messy) Dutch braids, putting her beloved bandana in as a headband.
"Okay, don't take them out, it means I don't have to redo it for a few days. Go downstairs, and ask Carl to make you some real breakfast. I need to help loads up the RV."
"Okay." Mary sighed, jumping up and sliding down the stairs on her bum, bouncing wildly, until she realised just how much that hurt her old gunshot wound on her hip, and she got up silently, walking the rest of the way in an awkward silence.
"Carl, daddy says please make me some breakfast, and it has to be real, not cookies."
"He's the one that gives you crap like that for breakfast, not me." Carl scoffed, looking around in the cupboards. He found a pot of oats that you added water to to make porridge, and he flicked the kettle on, knowing she'd eat it.
"Hey," he said suddenly, "your cut's bleeding again."
"Oh yeah." Mary nodded, raising her hand up to the bloodstained bandage over part of her face.
"You need stitches on it." Carl sighed, pulling off the bandage.
"I don't want them."
"Tough. Do you want to get an infection like you did when you got shot? And get that sick again?" Carl asked harshly.
"No." Mary whispered.
"Then you'll need stitches."
"Do you have a doctor?" Jesus asked suddenly, making both Carl and Mary jump; they'd forgotten he was still sat at the table.
"Sort of."
"We do. He'll fix her up."
"Why? What do you want?"
"I want to trade with other groups," Jesus shrugged, "and I would also quite like for her to grow up, not, as you put it, get an infection. Which isn't likely. But still."
"Thanks." Carl mumbled, and Jesus nodded. Carl tipped the water into the porridge, then stirred it and gave it to Mary. "Careful, it's hot."
"Thank you." Mary smiled, taking it. Before she could run away with the food, Carl redressed her cut with cotton pads and tape, not wanting to bandage her whole head. "Stop! It hurts! Stop!" Mary whined, "I don't want you to do it. I don't like it."
"Hey, who's arguin'?" Daryl asked harshly, walking in.
"Carl is being stupid."
"Don't call yer brother stupid. That's rude, 'nd unkind." Daryl sighed, walking over and taking Marys food off her, then the rest of the dressing off Carl. "Yer dad needs yer help gettin' stuff ready. I'll sort her out, go on." He said softly to Carl, then his voice went louder. "Say sorry to yer brother. He tried to help yer, and ya called him stupid. Look, he even made yer some breakfast. Say sorry, and say thank you."
"She already said thank you." Jesus pointed out, and Daryl glared at him.
"Sorry. Thank you." Mary whispered, behaving for Daryl, as she always did.
"Good girl." Daryl nodded.
"Thanks. I'm gonna go." Carl smiled softly, ruffling her hair, then leaving.
"Don't you be mean to yer brother, okay? I won't have it. I won't. And I'll tell yer dad."
"Whatever. Mary, ya have to do as Carl says, and ya have to be nice to him. He loves yer to much."
Mary sighed, but didn't talk back, and let Daryl finish her dressing. "Alright, go on outside and find yer daddy. We're goin' soon." Daryl ordered, eating a spoonful of Marys porridge, then returning it to her.
"Thank you." Mary pronounced clearly, taking it with a smile.
"Go on, get outta here." Daryl chuckled fondly, and Mary ran outside, eating as she went. She sat on the road, playing with Judith and eating her breakfast, for a few more minutes, until everyone began to get into the RV.
"Come on, give Carl a kiss and get in the car." Rick said softly, picking up Judith and going to the RV where Carl was stood by.
"Why am I saying bye to Carl?"
"Carl doesn't want to come. He's gonna stay here and look after Judith."
"Oh. Why?"
"He just doesn't want to." Rick shrugged, taking Marys porridge and giving Judith to Carl. He went into the RV, and Mary hugged Carl tightly.
"Be good for daddy. Promise?" Carl said gently, and Mary nodded.
"I will. I love you."
"I love you too. See you soon." Carl smiled, kissing her forehead.
"Let's chew up some asphalt!" Abraham shouted, as everyone else got into the RV.
"Hey, come on kiddo. Time to go." Glenn beckoned as he stepped into the RV. Mary gave Carl another quick kiss, then Judith, and grabbed Glenn's hand, walking into the RV. "You gonna sit up front with daddy and Mishy, or sit with me?"
"Sit with you. Daddy said he likes to spend time alone with Mishy."
"Oh." Glenn laughed, not knowing how to answer her.
"Everyone here? Mary?" Rick called, and Mary chirped a reply of yes. The car started, Mary nestled into Glenn's arms.
"Can we play a game? Cars?" Mary asked him.
"Go on then, get them out." Glenn chuckled, and Mary leapt up, running to Rick as he drove.
"Can I have my backpack?" She asked giddily.
"No, you need to sit and eat your breakfast first. Come on, sit and finish it." Rick ordered, as Spencer opened the gate for them, and they drove out of Alexandria.
"Daddy." Mary whined.
"Come on, sit with me." Michonne smiled softly, and Mary sat on her lap, facing her, as she ate the porridge. She was silent, but studying Michonne's face, as if she was a stranger.
"What is it?" Michonne laughed eventually.
"Nothing. I get why you and daddy are almost in love. You're very pretty."
"Thanks?" Michonne laughed awkwardly, not sure of how to reply.
"Eat your food." Rick ordered tiredly, and Mary obeyed his order, slowly eating the porridge.
"Does Carl knows?" Mary asked suddenly.
"Know. Not knows. And know what?"
"That you and Mishy like spending time together and might be in love soon."
"Jesus. Can't move slow when a five year old's involved. Or have private conversations." Rick muttered, but Michonne just laughed. "Feel free to just make her walk the rest of the way." Rick joked.
"Rick," Michonne said softly, looking at him with love in her eyes, "I know what I'm signing up for. If I get you, I get her. I'm definitely okay with that."
Rick couldn't help but grin.

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