CHAPTER 3- Collision... Again...

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*Amber's point of view*

I stepped out of the shower, wrapping myself in my soft towel. The now steamy bathroom I shared with my friends was cluttered, but I guess that would be the case since it was the only bathroom in our apartment and five of us shared it. I sighed as I glanced around the small space, knowing that I should probably organize everything so that it didn't take me men minutes searching through drawers -which it usually did- to find anything I needed. Alas, I was too lazy. Just as I reached for my toothbrush, I heard Abbie call to me that they were leaving for class. I was just about to question this, because I knew it was still early. It was about 7 o'clock in the morning, and the girls only left at 7 on a Wednesday. That was when I realized that it was Wednesday. The day when I didn't have class in the morning. So, I could have slept in.

"Amber?" Abbie repeated, breaking me from my train of thought. "Oh, yeah, okay. Bye" I answered, knowing my friends probably thought I was insane. I didn't care, though. I continued getting ready, because there was no use going to bed now, and quickly got dressed into the cute outfit I had picked for myself today. I wore dark blue skinny jeans, a white and black striped tank top, and black flats. Proud of how I managed to look good, I steped out of the apartment, heading towards my usual Starbucks. It was right around the corner, and on Wednesday mornings I usually bought myself some hot chocolate there, because I never really liked coffee. "Why get anything at all, then?" you may ask? Well, I always liked the little cups they give you, the ones with the little lid? I'm insane, I know, but it made me feel all important, like I was one of those busy business women drinking coffee on their way to work.

I might be just a little insane.

As I walked to Starbucks, this is what I was thinking about. I was so lost in my own thought, that I didn't notice a certain curly-haired boy walking out of Starbucks, coffee in hand. I didn't notice, so I didn''t move out of his way, and ended up slamming into him, knocking coffee all over the both of us.

* Harry's piont of veiw, an hour before*

I entered my flat with Lou, glad to be back. Me and the lads were kept in that random hotel for at least three days, and I was begining to become stir-crazy. Our fans had found out where we lived, and we couldn't so much as run out to get a jug of milk without being mobbed. For our "safety" management stuck us in a hotel room for a few days, just until it began to calm down by our homes. Although, I'm not sure how safe it realy was to keep 5boys locked in a hotel room for days on end. All I do know is that I'm glad to be back in my roomy flat.

I guess Lou shared the same excitment, because as soon as we entered our spacious flat he bellowed, "HOME, FINALLY!!" I chuckled as he rushed to his room, slaming his door behind him. That boy. Yawning, I also entered my room (in a civilized manner, unlike Louis) and smiled t the fimiliar blue walls and brown plaid beadspread. I was tired, and knew that it was around 7 o'clock, extremely early for me. I decided to walk to Starbucks to get myself some coffee and wake up. Besides, a breath of fresh air would do me good too. So, I called to Louis that I would be heading out, and left, pulling on my hoodie in the process.

Strabucks isn't far from my home at all. Actually, it was around the corner. I happily walked there, and ordered my usual coffee with two sugers and a dash of milk. My hoodie was pulled up fully, as to not be recognized, although a few curls did mange to make an appearance at the top of my head. I had not bothered with my sunglasses that day, so I kept my eyes turned downward as to not remind someone of who I was with my eyes. After a few moments, my order was handed to me by a girl behind the counter. I quickly paid and left, because I saw recognition in the eyes of the girl. I did NOT need to be mobbed because some random girl screamed out, "Hey, you're Harry Styles!!" In my rush to leave the store, I didn't notice a familiar girl with light brown hair heading towards me. I slammed straight into her, spilling my coffee all over her and myself.

I was extremely horrified with myself. I just spilled my coffee all over this girl, and had slammed into her, which probably hurt. I reeled backward to find the girl not angry in anyway. Infact, she looked sorry. It turned out, I was right becuse shee quickly said, "Oh my God, Harry, I'm so sorry!" I guess it was something about how she had said my name, but after she spoke, I realized exactly who this girl was- Amber. I gave her a small smile, because I was glad to see her. The day I met her she had looked beautiful, and I see that that fact never seemed to change. "Amber, love, that was my fault entirely. I'm so sorry." I took her by the arm and dragged her into the store quickly, in search of napkins. I found what I was looking for on the counter next to the regester, and we both dived for them, cleaning the spilt coffee off of ourselves. When finished, she turned to look at me and giggled. "How'd we manage that?" she asked with a small smile on her face. I swear, her accent was so cute. It made me smile to myself. "I haven't an idea. But I do know I need to repay you for that." Her face crinkled in confusion. "And how, exactly?" she asked, looking up into my eyes with her gorgeous hazel ones. "By treating you to a movie of you're choice." I answered with a sly smile.

What I didn't expect was her reaction to my statement. She tensed up, and began to look uncomfortable. I figured that what I said was probably to intamate for her, so I quickly added, "With the boys, and your friends, if they would like to come." Her uncomfortable expression cleared, and she asked, "Where?" I knew that was probably it then, too intamate. I wondered why she had a problem with intamacy. I instead let it be, saying, "My flat. Here, the adress is..." I went on to explain where me and Lou lived, and how to get there. I learned that her apartment was close, too, which was an excellant surprise. We said that seven, p.m., would work best for the both of us, and quickly said our goodbyes before heading our seprate ways. I smiled to my self on the way back, but there was still a nagging question in the back of my head; Why was she so afraid of being alone with me?

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