CHAPTER 15- Forgive and Forget

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*Amber's point veiw*

What the fuck? How did he get here? More importantly, how does he know where I live?? That's kinda creepy, actually. "Amber! Open the door, please!" I was silent, hoping he'd think I had walked away, when actually my back was pressed up against the door, listening to him. I also hoped he'd think I had locked the door, when I really didn't have the heart to lock him out. "Amber, I need to talk to you." Silence again. "Amber, I know that you're pressed against the door" What? No he doesn't... "And," he started, and I felt the door move behind me, making me jump off of it. It creeked open more until he was in full veiw, and he finished, "I knew you wouldn't lock me out." Damn. He knows me too well.

He appearance was almost all too much for me. I couldn't believe he'd come all this way just to talk to me. "Why didn't just call me?" I asked. " You wouldn't answer" he said. Oh, yeah. He took a step closer to me, looking straight into my eyes with his dazzling green ones. "I didn't do it, Amber." he said, his eyes full of yearning, yearning for me to believe him. I wanted to. I wanted to terribly. But, I couldn't. I saw what I saw, and I knew that there was no way he could take that back, not in a million years. "But, I saw you..." I said, trailing off and averting my eyes from his gaze as they filled with tears. He slowly took hold of my chin, forcing me to look at him as fresh tears spilled onto my cheeks. When I didn't protest, he wiped them away with his (amazingly large) thumbs, and kissed both cheeks where my tears fell. "I could never cause you to cry.." he whispered. His eyes intensly searched mine, for what, I don't know. I yearned to kiss him, to pull him close to me, but I controlled myself.

"Love, I'm going to let you collect your thoughts before I try to explain. Call me when you're ready." And as quick as he had come, he left, leaving me with an odd sense of emptiness. I stood motionless in the hall, taking in what had just happened.

Remember when I said I was sure that I was in love with Harry Styles? Yeah, I'm positive now.

But, how do I trust him? Now THAT was the question. I immediately knew who to go to for answers, now, though. My friends. I hurriedly sprinted up the steps to my room, skyping my friends as soon as I had reached the computer. "Hi, Amber..." Alex said nervously, playing with the hem of her shirt and not looking me in the eye when she answered. "You told him my ADDRESS?" I said, completely incredulous. "Mayyybee..." She looked up and shot me a cheeky grin. Rolling my eyes, I laughed. " Okay, fine. I know you guys must have had a reason for this, sending him here, so, tell me." Alex bit her lip, answering, "I'm not sure if I'm the best to tell. I'll get Angela..." She quickly jumped from the desk chair and raced from the room, pratically screaming, "ANNNGGGEEELLLLAA" I chuckled again. Leave it to Alex to make me laugh when I felt like shit.

Angela entered the room, taking a seat at the desk chair. "Amber, it was stupid of you to leave". Sigh. Here we go... "What you saw didn't happen... I..." She sighed, running a hand through her curls. "I have to let Harry explain what did. But... I can tell you why we had to tell him where you were. You see, Harry, he, he, was't himself after you left. He stopped leaving his room. He refused to sing, Amber. And he begged, everyday, for us to tell him where you were. We told him that we had to wait for you to calm down, and he wouldn't take no for an answer. It was insane. So, we figured that if his heart was broken that badly, your s must be worse. We told him where you were to save him, and to save you. It's impossible for you two to be happy without each other. Just give him a chance?" Her voice was pleading, her expression hopeful. i sighed. "I'll think about it" I told her, and ended the chat, feeling more confused than ever.

Why must everyone try their hardest to make everything in my life confusing? All I knew was that Angela was right, I wasn't happy without him. It was only a matter of time before I figured that out on my own.I needed to find him, and I had a feeling I knew where he'd be.

Not bothering with a coat, I threw on some Uggs I found lying in my front hall and ran outside, into the cold. This was the second time after coming back home I was taking this route, and just like the last time, the events are still clearly etched in my mind. When I reached the town's center, sure enough, I found Harry where I predicted: sitting on the fountain's granite side, staring at the moon. "HARRY!" I bellowed, making his head spin to see me. I continued towards him, only stopping when I was about 10 feet away from him. "What happened?" I asked, trying hard not to pant from all this running I was doing lately. Thank God I did track in High School.

"She walked up to me and threw herself at me. That was a forced kiss, she had just planted her lips on mine before I could do anything to stop her. I would never kiss another girl. I only love you." He looked directly into my eyes as he spoke, his voice pleading. "But... How can I be sure to believe you? Believe that you won't hurt me again...?" I looked straight at him too, being extremely strong as I spoke. Man, I should've been an actress.

Harry stood and walked closer to me, stopping only when he was inches from my body. "Because I love you in everyway possible. I love how when you get scared, you let out a high-pitched scream, then giggle at yourself." I knew what he was doing, and blushed, remembering that night. "I love how your laugh is probably one of the most unattractive noises I have ever heard, yet it just makes you 10 times more adorable." I laughed at that one, making him smirk, as if to say, "Point Proven". "I love how when I kiss you, you smile into it, as if my lips made your day. I love that you're so clumsy, you could fall over nothing. I love that your looks match your gorgeous personality. And if you don't, or can't love me anymore, I understand, but-" I couldn't take it anymore, and interupted him by slaming my lips onto his. He reacted immeadiately, grabbing my waist and pulling my hips against his as he  slid his tounge into my mouth. I obliged, and kissed him back as passionately as I could, until I became dizzy. I swear to God, that kiss shook the Earth. I never wanted to let him go. Finally, we both had to come up for air, my entire body tingling and trembles running down my back. He rested his forehead on mine, and tge world felt... right. As if everything was at peace. "How was that for you Harry Burns style 'I love you'?" He asked. I smiled up at him.



TADA!!! The last chapter to "Fixing Amber" is done! Yup, I said last chapter! =(. I'm gonna miss writing it, but, I have good news!! TWO NEW STORIES. That's right!! If you liked my writing (which I hope you did...), please read "Complicated." and "One Quick Call..." This was my first fanfic, so I'm not sure if it's any good, but I've read many other fanfics now and know my way around and are a bit more experienced, so I think the next two are going to be better that this one. And longer. Much longer!!!

Thank you all my wonderful readers for getting me this far. Could've never done it without all of your support! Also, I might make a Epilouge. Please comment, and if I get at least 5 comments telling me to, I will.


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