CHAPTER 8- The Piano Room

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*Amber's point of veiw*

I unlocked the door to my apartment, went inside, and shut it again as quietly as I could. "Fuck" I whispered to myself, then leaned back against the door, putting my head in my hands. I had absolutely no idea what I had gotten myself into, seeing as I just told a guy of whom I'd known for, like, four days something I couldn't even get to admit to my best friends, of whom I had known for years. Not to mention, I kissed him. And liked it.

I had been gone for a while, sorting out my feelings. Once I realized it was dark out I decided to head back, as to not make my friends worry any longer. It was a bit stupid and selfish of me, to leave my friends hanging like that, but I needed time. Hell, I still do. But, anyway, I guess I was gone so long that my friends had decided to go to bed. The lights were off in the room, the windows providing the ony source of illumination, and it seemed to be deserted.

Just as I was about to leave my perch in the shadowy room, the lights clicked on, making my blink. Once I re-coordinated myself, I found Angela standing in the doorway to the hall, next to the light switch. I sighed. "I know you're angry at me, but-"

"I'm not angry at you." she interupted me, sending me to a stop. She wasn't? "I mean, granted, I wasn't happy with you, at first. But, soon I realized that there must be something wrong, because you're level-headed and you wouldn't just ditch us for no reason." I let out another sigh. Angela is like me in the sense that we're both particularly smart. But we're different in the aspect that she reads people's emotions very well.I, on the other hand, was good at hiding emotions. I guess I failed at that that day, though.

"Sit down" she said, concern in her voice. So, I followed her instructions, again sighing. "You're very sigh-y today." she remarked as she took her place next to me. "I suppose so" I answered with a chuckle. Her tone imeadiatly changed, though, and she looked at me and said, "What's the matter, honey?" 'So many things' I thought, but aloud I said nothing. "Did you go to see Harry?" I blushed at the thought of his lips on mine, his soft curls in my hands... "Yes, you did!" she said excitedly, reading my blush perfectly. "Aww... that's so cute!" It was cute to her, but extremely big for me. She had no idea how much of a challenge it was to let myself kiss him, to let him listen to my harrowing tale.

And she had no idea how happy I felt for the first time in a year.


Soon after my little session with Angela, I went to bed, achingly tired because of my long day. I awoke laying ontop of my duvet in a fetal position, still in my jeans and tee. Groaning, I slowly sat up, stretching all the tense muscles in my body, soon regreting the action as a sharp pain shot through my left arm. It was a rare sunshinny day in London, and I planned to make the best of my Saturday. Finally, I had accepted Harry, and I now wanted to fall in love with him. After everything with Devon, I felt so sad all of the time, just an unhappy person in general. Harry had given me a new lease on life, so-to-speak, and everything in my little world went from drab to... well... amazing.

So, I took a quick shower and changed into my favorite tank-top (it was pink and frilly and cut off right below my bellybotton) and a pair of my navy-blue short-shorts. Just after I finished changing, there was aknock on my door. Expecting it to be one of my friends, I called for them to come in. "Hey, love" came a deep voice, surprising me. I turned to find Harry leaning against the door frame, a cheeky grin playing across his lips. "Loving the new look" he said approvingly, glancing at my outfit (which I must admit, was a bit slutty). I laughed, knowing that he was joking. "Quit giving me that look" I told him. "What look?" he asked, incredulously, as he took a step closer to me. "The perverted one" I answered, smirking, anticipating his answer. He put his arms around me, saying, "It's hard not to when you look so-" "GET IT IN, HARRY!" came a shout from the doorway. I turned to find Alex looking at me mischievously, a grin spread wide on her face. Great way to ruin a moment, Alex. Then again, she wasn't known for her sensitivity to situations...

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