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"Amber we're in London! AHHH, LONDON!" Waking up to Alexandra screaming in my ear is probably not the most pleasant experience I've ever had. Sitting up, I looked around. Disgruntled passengers who were also woken by Alex's shouting were shooting glares in our direction, while a stewartess was informing us through intecom that we would be landing shortly. The information only provoked an excited Alex to cheer. I'm guessing she wasn't the airplane's favorite person right now. The man sitting next to me (aisle row, I was middle, and Alex was window only because she forced me to give it up, seeing as she didn't want to sit next to "the creepy stranger, Amber!") gave Alex a confused stare, then glanced at me, as if asking me if she was insane. I just shrugged. "This is calm for her" I whispered to the man, who glanced back at Alex, who was now doing her happy dance.

After a short amount of time passed, the plane landed and me and Alex were in the airport. I was searching franticly for our friends Robin, Abigail, and Angela, who, as far as I could tell, had disappeared off the face of the planet. Robin had curly light brown-ish ginger-ish hair that reached her stomach and peicing blue eyes behind a pair of glasses. The color of her frames always seemed to highlight her blue eyes. Abbie also had light brown hair, but it was striaght and almost always in ponny tail. Her brown eyes seemed to always shine with excitement. Angela had tan skin and black hair that curled in riglets down her back. Her warm dark eyes were sensative to other's feelings, and could always tell when there was something wrong. Well, almost always...

Suddenly, I locked eyes with Robin. She and the rest pf the girls were across the large... room? Well, they were across from us in the... area, and waved us over quickly. Dragging Alex along with me, I ran to them and screached "WE'RE HERE!" It might have been little dramatic to other people, but me and my friends were excited! London would be our home for the next four years as we attended LISA, London International School of the Arts. Yes, I was majoring in vocalism and writing. I used to dabble in writing and was interested in it, but was always had a pation for singing. So, I'm taking classes to perfect my talent, and hopefully start a career using it.

"Are you girls ready?" I asked before we left. When they had made sure that they left the plane with everything they had entered with, they chorased, "Yes Mom." Hahaha, they think they're soo funny. I was always the responsible one, the one every parent trusted and liked. I just had an over developed thought process for my age that allowed me to think about the concequences of every action I took.

Or as Alex likes to call it, "a party pooper."

We walked along, following signs that lead us to the proper baggage claim. Again, I was with insane Alex, so she decided to run ahead of us in excitement, getting herself lost two times, so this took a while. When we finally reached the baggage claim, I managed to get hit in the head with someone's suitcase, because I was standing too close when they took it off the moving-thingy (I'm not the most graceful human being... far from it...). This caused my friends to die of laughter for close to 10 minutes, while I rubbed my head and rolled my eyes at them, and that delayed us a bit more. Finally, we got all of the bags (well, my friends got the bags, I wasn't allowed close to the thing-y after the incident) and made our way outside.

We left the airport in a taxi. I marveled about how everything here was the oposite.I was so lost in thought I missed Robin's question. I was brought back to reality by a nudge in th ribs by Abbie. "Ow, sorry, what?" I asked, by head snaping back to look at them, earning a few giggles. "I was just saying how cool it would be if we met One Direction." She answered.

Aha, One Direction. The boys my friends are obsessed with. When me and Alex said that we weren't very fond of them, they thought we were insane. Well, Alex isn't very girly, so they weren't very surprised when it came to her, but they were shocked with me. Of course, my friends don't know the new me. The one who isn't so boy crazy. Who holds her heart under lock and key. Because she's not keen on falling head over heels and not being caught again.

"Here" the driver informed us. We piled out of the car. I stepped onto the cold hard pavement, scrutionizing tthe apartment build we would live in for the next four years. As my friends shouted things like, "Hallelujah!" and Abbie and Alex decided t race each other to the room, I hoped that this new place would keep the memories of the past from visiting.


Hey!! So, if you've read this far into my story and liked it.... I APPLAUD YOU!! Lol, thanks soo much!! I promise you it won't stay all dreary... Sorry for spelling errors, I hardly ever check my work... what can I say? I'm too lazy. :) Oh, and if Felecia P., Sara S., or Bella R. ever get to reading this thing... who do Robin, Abbie, and Alex sound like??? :)

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