CHAPTER 12- Devon Again

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*Amber's point of veiw*

I mentally cursed myself as he lead me to my car, groceries and all. I told him that I could just go home, I was perfectly capable of unloading a car. I would call him later. But no, he insisted on helping me, which made my day just 10 times better than it had already been (cough, cough... sarcasm).

So, we walked out into the chilly weather with my shopping cart in tote. The akward silence had only managed to make me more aware of my situation, making me feel again too akward to speak. Not to mention, I was still horribly embarrassed and scared from my past with him. He made me shy and less confident than I used to be, and managed to send me crawling back into my security blanket of insecurity, which I had once thought I had untangled myself from. So, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that I'm a bit uncomfortable.

Therefore, I cursed myself.

Opening the trunk of my car, (because we had finally reached my car all the way in the back of the parking lot) I began to place my shopping bags into the car. Devon reached for one, but that was when I had had enough. "Um, no, I am fine unloading shopping bags into a car. I am not completely helpless" I snapped at him bitterly, then sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Just... go sit in the car." He seemed a bit taken aback, but he nodded and made his way into my passenger seat while I finished. Finally, I shut the trunk and joined him in the driver's.


We sat in silence for a minute before Devon said, "Okay, this 'acting as if nothing is wrong' shit is not working. Pull over there." He pointed to infront of a small coffee shop, of which I recognized imeadiately. It was where we met.


If I had to put on a fake smile and say in a cheesy voice, "Hi, how may I help you?" one more time to some sullen bitchy teenager looking for an Iced Latte, I will shoot someone. Who knew that working at a coffee shop could make you want to die? As my thoughts drifted on how I would jump over the counter and strangle that blonde bimbo who just glared at me like I had single-handedly caused the wait for her drink to finish, the bell above the door rang, singling that someone was entering. Glad for a distraction, I looked up at the new costomer. He was extremely handsome, and he walked straight up to me, instead of the other cashiers this place had to offer. "Hey," he said, shooting me a gorgeous smile. "What are 'ya doing later?"


Coffee shops seem to be my thing. I saw Harry for a second time at a coffee shop... I pulled over where he pointed, leaning back into my seat in defeat. I was hoping I could get this over with, with no more damage done, but Devon doesn't seem to have the same plans as me. Hell, when did he ever?

"Amber" he said, forcing me to face him. "Amber, I know I hurt you. Thinking about that... oh God, I hate myself for it everyday. I... I got jealous of my friends telling me that they lost their virginity. So, I made shit up, because I was frustrated. I thought you didn't love me, but I realized later on that it was quite the opposite. You just loved me so much that you didn't want sex to interfere with our relationship. And I understand that now. I really do. And I'm so sorry for putting you through that. Please... please... just please come get coffee with me? We can talk it over."

I sighed, contemplating whether or not I should. I knew I shouldn't... but there was that pleading look in his eye that made me break. So, we both walked into the coffee shop, ordered, and sat down. This was going to be a long talk.

*an hour later...*

I laughed loudly at him. Oh God, I forgot he could be this funny. Actually, I forgot everything good about him. How sweet he is, fun to be around. Everything.

"Shall we?" he asked, standing up and stretching, then reaching a hand out to me. I nodded, taking his hand. I was smiling for the first time in a week. It felt good.

But, there was a hitch that scared me. I think I was falling for him... again. And I couldn't do that.

We both climbed into my car, and I began to drive towards his house. Yes... I remembered where he lived...

I stopped outside of his house, turing to face him. "Well... bye!" I said, giving him a small wave. He began to open his door when he stopped and turned to me again. "Amber..." Our eyes met, and he slowly began to lean in. NO. YOU CAN'T TRUST HIM. DON'T DO IT, DON'T DO IT!! But, some other part of my brain told me to close my eyes and lean in too. And my lips met his.

The world didn't shake. I didn't feel the sparks. He drew back, smiling, saying, "Bye Amber". I drove away, just me and my thoughts. I got home, unloaded the car, just me and my thoughts. Put the groceries away, just me and my thoughts. And when I climbed the staircase to my room, just me and my thoughts, there was just one thought I knew for sure: He wasn't Harry.

But I didn't seem to mind.


HI BABES!! Hola my loves, how are you today? Or , in Elizabeathian langauge, "Hath art thou?" Anyways.... thank you for the soo many reads!!! I love you all for tolerating my tiny chapters!! Ok, thanks for reading!!! LOVE YOU!!! BYE!!

([btw- please comment, vote, or fan. I'd love it. =)]

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