CHAPTER 4- Movie Night!

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*Amber's point of veiw*

Okay, I admit it. When Harry asked me over for the movie, I got nervous. I mean, it's nothing against Harry. It's just that I have trust issues when it comes to dating. Every boy I was ever involved with, he managed to rip apart my heart in the most terrible way. I had, somehow, handled them all. But, then Devon... well, he was different. And, well, I built a wall around my heart, after what he did to me. I figured that if I didn't let anyone in, no one could shatter it the same waay he did.

So, when Harry also invited my friends, and told me the boys would be there, I calmed immeadiatly. It's fine if i'm there as a friend. It's better than fine actually, great. As long as there's no chance of a crushed heart.

Me and Angela were getting ready in our shared room, while the other girls were in their own room. As Angela pondered over what earings to wear, I was busy pouring over my selection of DVDs. I had absolutly nothing to watch. All were either to girly, or to boring, and I was running out of options when suddenly I remembered that I had one more movie, and it was perfect! It was one of my favorites, so I kept it in the living room for a rainy day. I rushed toward the door and quickly ran down the hall, a goofy smile spreading on my face when I saw it laying on the table beneath the T.V. "When Harry Met Sally..." read the cover, and I smiled, extremely excited over my small acheivement at finding a watch-able movie [this is Haley speaking, IF YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN "When Harry Met Sally..." IT IS SERIOUSLY MY FAVORITE MOVIE AND A MUST-WATCH!]. "Amber, you find a movie?" I hear Alex call fom her room. "Yup!" I called back, quickly shoving the movie inside of my bag. All of the girls exited their rooms at the same moment, as if they were timed to do so. I mentally laughed at them, and how alike we all were.That's probably why we're all best friends. That, and they know all of my secrets. Well, not all of them...

"Amber, hello?" Robin said, breaking me from my train of thought. My head shot up at her voice. "Huh?" I said, my friends looking at me with concern written all over their features. "What? You all know I'm ditzy." I said, successfully earning giggles and nods. "I said, 'Lets's go'" Robin said, shooting me one more look. "Oh, okay" I oblidged quickly and we all left the apartment, Abbie last and locking the door behind us. As we made our way to the lobby, I took a deep breath, and tried to ready myself for tonight. I was also trying to shoo away the thoughts of Harry that continuously conquered all else in my mind.

*Hary's point of veiw*

Spraying a bit of cologe on myself, I quickly put the bottle back down on the dresser where it belonged and let out a large breath. I was ready for tonight in my light blue plaid shirt and skinny jeans. I don't understand why I was so nervous. I was never nervous over a girl. Ever. So, why should now be any different? Maybe it was because this girl made me feel different. And I coun't figure out whether that was a good or bad thing.

I shut the door behind me as I stepped outside of the room, I was not keen to show the girls the unorganized mess that was inside. Walking towards the living room, I found the boys casually seated on the couch, watching the tellie. The familiar sight of them calmed my nerves just a smidge, although I was still on edge. Taking a seat next to Lou, I wordlessly joined them and made myself comfortable on the couch. It might have looked as if I were engrossed in the program, when in reality my mind drifted towards Amber. The way her golden brown hair bounced lightly on her shoulder. How her smile lit up those hazel eyes of hers, making the green in them pop. In other words, I couldn't have said one thing about the show on in front of me.

The ringing of the doorbell broke me from my trance, and we all popped up from the couch to answer the door. God, I had to keep myself from drooling. Amber wore only a tanktop and dark blue skinny jeans, yet the simple outfit seemed to show off her figure well. The green in her eyes danced and she gave me a small smile before greeting me "Hello" in that cute American accent of hers. Pull yourself together, man! Answer her!

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