CHAPTER 7- Promise

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*Amber's point of veiw*

My friends were screaming at the top of their lungs, jumping for joy around the room, while I sat paralyzed on the couch, still taking in what Harry said. Angela came over to me, saying, "Amber, isn't this-


"Excuse me, sweetheart, but would you like a drink?" the flight attendant asked. Oh God, I got so into my story i forgot I was on a plane! Startled, I glanced upward at the woman. She was a ginger with bright green eyes and a false smile on her lips. I nodded to her, and glanced at my companion, the old lady to see if I were boring her, or if she were tired of listening to my story. She,surprisingly, was still attentive and looking expectantly at me. "Do you still want to listen?" I asked, cringing a bit in embarrassment. "Absolutely" To my surprise, she wasn't the one who had answered. I looked past the old lady towards the voice to find a woman in the aisle seat of the row over listening also. She was with a man. She said, "Me and my husband are very interested with your story. Wil you move from your window seat to the aisle one so we can hear better?" I was startled, but complied. I now sat in the aisle seat with three listeners. Okay...?

I was handed my water, and then I continued my story.


-amazing?!?" 'Yeah, sure' I said internally. On the outside, I didn't answer at all. I got got up and walked out of the apartment, ignoring my friends questions. I had become cohernt enough to have feelings about what he said.

And I was angry.

Well, I mean, not only angry, but conflicted. There was a small part of me (well, larger than I wanted to believe) that liked Harry. I did have feelings for him, whether I liked to addmit it or not. But mostly, I was angry.

Why? Because he didn't even think about me! He just said it, not even wondering how this would affect my life. You know how much hate I'm gonna get? A lot! And I didn't even do anything!

So, fuming, I needed to go for a walk to process my thoughts. If you haven't noticed, that's how I process things. I walk. So, I stomped of into the the bitter fall chill, letting the breeze nip at my cheeks. It felt good, the cool weather, and it helped me keep my mind off of my anger. I'm not usually a hot-headed person, but Harry had managed to create an exremely strange reaction. Actually, it didn't seem like anger, but it was definitely strong. He had this way of making my feelings rise and fall like a roller coaster.

I groaned, stopping where I was and putting my head in my hands. I had no idea what to do. Why did I have to be so complicated? What was wrong with-

"Ahem" My head shot upward, looking around for who could have been intruding with myself-pity, and about to tell them off, when I realized it was Harry. 'I should have guessed,' I thought, 'Harry has way of finding me when I'm trying to understand myself' "I'm so sorry," hesaid, "we were way out of line." He took a step closer to me. "I mean," he continued, "I'm not gonna lie. I do have feelings for you." OH. MY. GOD. My heart beat sped up, and I blushed. He took a step even closer, and it took all I had in me not to back away. At that point, our toes were touching. "But it was wrong for me to say it on television." I was staring at my feel, knowing that if I looked into those beautiful eyes I'd crumble. Apparently, Harry didn't want to give me that choice, because he lifted my chin, and said, "Do you forgive me?" I nodded, not trusting my voice. "Good," he said with a chuckle, "because it would have been hard to kiss you if you had said no." He then leaned down and planted his lips on mine, sofly and almost tentatively. And to my surprise, I found myself kissing him back. He placed his hands on my hips and I wrapped my arms around his neck. There was only one way to decribe it.

An atomic bomb had exploded.

It was one of my most passionate, beautiful, kisses. Oh, who am I kidding, THE most passionate and beautiful kiss! Nothing could compare to it.

Finally, we seperated. "Wow..." Harry said, out of breath. My stomach was like a group of frenzied butterflies, who could fly at speeds of 100 MPH. "What's wrong?" he asked, dragging me towards him, his eyes full of concern. It was ony then I realized I was crying. I sighed, sitting down on the curb and patting the space next to me. He joined me, and I leaned my head against his shoulder. Taking a deep breath, I explained to him what Devon did to me. And then I told him about my promise, how I was never again going to love. After listening intently, he again lifted my chin to face him. "I want to kick that guy's ass. He doesn't deserve you. And I will NEVER hurt you. Ever." "Promise?" I asked childishly. He laughed.


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