CHAPTER 11- Cheaters, Past & Present

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Okay, so I like, love you all. Just saying what is needed to be said. I get so happy when I see I have comments, and votes... I jump around my room.Thank you sooo much my beautiful readers, you guys make my day. So vote! Fan! Comment! Maybe even add this to your reading list...? If you'd like? Ok, I'm done. Here's the rest of the story. =)


*Amber's point veiw*

... a random man? "Who the hell are you?" we both asked at the same time. I was taken aback in shock that there was a random man in MY house asking who I was, momentarily, but quickly recovered and shot back, "ME? I'M Amber O'Brian. Who are you?" The man's face paled and his expression became fearful and shocked. "You were supposed to be in London..." he meakly stated. My mother walked into the hall, saying, "What's the matter pookie?", wrapping er arms around his waist. Her gaze shifted to me, and the same expression that the man had took her face. And my heart broke for the second time that day when I realized wht was going on.

Does everyone seek adultery to solve their problems these days?

"Wha... How...? What about... me... dad?" I stumbled backward, dizzy from this second emotional blow, mumbling those words incoherently. My mother reached out to catch me, but I jerked away from her touch. Those saddened eyes of hers still haunt me today. And I ran. As usual, I ran from my problems. I remember vividly how I raced down the yard, the light from hall behind me shining onto the grass, acting as my guide. How my mother called to me from the doorway as I ran onto the street of which I had spent so many childhood summers. How my hair streamed behind me, and my footfalls echoed in the empty neighbourhood. I remember every turn I made until I reached the center of town, where a small fountain resided.

I sat at the edge of the fountain, at that point not even bothering to wipe my tears. I must have sat there for hours, just crying. Finally, as I watched the sun rise above the suburban houses down the street, I ran out of tears. My breath heaved, my nose ran.

I know, I know. Attractive.

I heard a sigh to the right of me. I didn't bother glancing to see who it was. She sat next to me. "That wasn't how I planned you to figure out about John." So that's who he is... "Evidently" I said cooly, not even peeking at her. Another sigh. "Why'd you come home so early?" "Adultery" I answered truthfully. My mother went silent.

After a little while, I stood, finally properly looking at my mom. And if you got past her sadness and guilt of the present, I saw something I had never seen in her before. She held a certain glint in her eyes, her posture was more confident, she looked overall happier. I gave my mother a long hug, leaning into her familiar figure. I loved my mom, and was happy for her, but seeing her like this killed me in so many ways unimaginable.

Because I realized that Harry would be carrying the same attitude as her.


Five days of pure hell have passed since I left London. My friend immeadiately did exactly what I hoped the wouldn't- try to contact me. I left my cell off, I couldn't stand having to ignore their calls, but I needed to. The worst was when Harry called. I almost picked up, and it left me in tears.

I spent most of my time watching my two favorite movies repeatedly; "When Harry Met Sally" and "The Princess Bride". Well, actually, I stuck to "The Princess Bride", "When Harry Met Sally" reminded me too much of Harry, seeing as it was the first movie we had ever seen together, and it included the first secret I had ever told him. Just looking at the cover made me cry, actually, so I had to hide it from myself.

On that day, though, my mother had decided it would be good for me to go out. So, she sent me to buy groceries... Oh joy.

I was walking through the aisles of Shop-Rite in search of Lucky Charms when I saw him. Devon. His devishly handsom looks still effected me, it seemed, since I couldn't take my eyes off of him. At that moment he glanced upward, seeing me. "Amber?" he said. I just stood there, like an idiot, too shocked to say a word. Only when he began to make his way towards me did I move, I backed up as quickly as I could down the aisle. "Amber!" he called to me as I turned away from him.

And it was then that it me. I didn't want to run away anymore. I had run from him once, I had run from Harry, Hell, I even ran from my mom. It was high time I began to trust. So, I swallowed, and slowly turned to face him. "Can we talk?" he asked, scratching the back of his neck and not meeting my eyes.

And, although it was probably a big mistake, I sighed and said, "I guess..."

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