CHAPTER 14- Surprise, Surprise...

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*Amber's point of veiw*

I took a deep breath, shutting my eyes and wondering if I should go through with this. Sitting indian-style on my bed, my laptop on my lap, I debated the pros and cons of skyping them. 'Pro: they might have been missing you as much as you've been missing them. Con: They might be furious with you for just packing up and leaving, then not answerig their calls... Pro:... oh, fuck it' I slamed my thumb down on the "mouse" on my laptop, clicking "call" on my skype page. I anxiously waited for anyone to answer the call, twiddling my thumbs idly. Suddenly, the annoying "riiinnnggg" of the skype call stopped, and a fuzzy picture began to form. "AMBER!" a voice shouted. I smile grew on my face, because I could hear it was Abbie. "Hey Abbie" The picture finally cleared and I found that the computer was on the desk in me an- umm, Angela's room. The desk sat between our two beds and the computer was pushed back far enough on the desk that I could see them. Actually, I could see the entire room, the closet on Angela's side and the on on mine, my old bed and Angela's, and the door to the room (which was angled open slightly, so the hallway was in veiw.

"GUYS!" Abbie screamed, and the girls all came rushing into the room. Catching sight of me, Robin gasped, Alex cheered, and Angela smiled. They all crowded around the computer, smiling at me. "Well, missy, we have soo much stuff to tell you!" Robin squealed, her smile widening. "-BUT, first, you have some explaining to do." Angela added, shooting me an expectant look. All the girls nodded, trying hard to replicate the serious expression that Angela wore, but all failing, smirks forming on their lips. I rolled my eyes at them and their predictability, and sighed, knowing that I'd have to tell them what happened. "Well, I... I guess I should start from the begining. You all know I've been acting strange ever since the end of High School." I looked at them for reassurance and they all nodded. I began to explain.

I told them about how Devon broke my heart. I told them the terrible promise I made, the loss of trust I had in everyone. How I had made myself so that I would never be hurt, yet also never be happy.

Then I told them how I changed. The promise broken, the new light Harry brought in me. i began to trust again, slowly but surely came out of my shell.

Then, the worst part. I told them about how I found Harry with that girl. How it broke something inside of me, and how I became scared to love all over again. I told them about my time here, my parents, and, most importantly, Devon. I explained how I learned that running from the past, hiding from what hurts me wasn't the way to go, but letting yourself get stuck in those issues can be worse.

When I finished, my friends were nervously glancing at each other. I knew those looks, they were speaking to each other though expression, something usually I was in on. Not knowing what they were "talking" about made me nervous, and I said, "What?" feeling the lines of worry on my forehead. "U-umm... how do we say this...?" Abbie started, glancing at Angela for guidence. Angela cleared her throat and looked directly at me, making me envy her easy confidence and tact, something I never had and was Angela's expertice. "Okay, Amber, I promise you, in an hour this will all make sense. Just, give an hour, okay? I thought that that was what you were calling about... whatever. It's okay. And I think it's better if we speak later, okay? Don't be angry at us... Bye" "WAIT, what-!?" but I was cut off by their disconection.

I spent my hour pondering what Angela had said. She had made it seem easy, as if it were just as simple to wait, that everything would be alright. Did she not learn from my little speech that trust wasn't my biggest strrngth? And now I had to trust that everything would be alright? No.

At that time I really wished my parents were home, but no, they decided that tonight would be a good night to go out to dinner. I mean, I really shouldn't judge, my love life was out of wack, but I wondered how my Dad could just that easily take my mother back after what she did. But, maybe he hadn't. He might be as good at hiding feelings as me. We'll see as time progresses...

An hour, exactly, had passed, when the doorbell downstairs rang. I stood and left my room, cautiously going downstairs and straight to the front door. I felt like one of those stupid girls in a horror movie, heading straight to her killer. I stood in front of it for a moment, debating whether or not I should open it. The bell rang again, startling me. I took a deep breath and decided to be brave, opening the door.

I would not have ever guessed that behind the door stood Harry. Shocked, I just stood there, hand still on the doornob, not moving an inch. Harry looked relieved that I answered the door, and began, "Amber, thank God, you have no id-" I shut the door, cutting him off.



Hrllo loves!!!

Thank you all so much for reading!! I'm sorry my chapters are so short, I'm trying to make them longer, but as you can tell, I'm not very good at it...

So, I have ths new story, called, "One Quick Phone Call". Um, normally I wouldn't do this, but would you guys check it out and tell me what you think? I want to know if it's a good idea, just a few comments would be reaaalllyyy appreichiated! Thanks!

Oh, and thank you for the 910 reads!! I really never imagined getting ths far, like, ever, so thank you all for the support and love.

Finally, you all know I love it when you comment/vote/fan! It means a great deal to me, if you have the time. Thank you!!! =)

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