CHAPTER 9- What I Thought Was Love

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*Amber's point of veiw*

It had been 3 months and me and Harry were going strong. I was deeply in love with him, and I relished in the feeling of being loved back. It was different with Devon, where I felt as if I had to continuously strive to keep his attention, and as if I was in love with him, but wasn't completely positive he loved me back. Harry seemed to just love me no matter what, it wasn't questionable. Even better, he didn't try to change me, or pressure me into sex.

I sat in my room, painting my toe nails happily that day. Angela and Robin were sitting on Angela's bed, pouring over countless magazines. "Hey!" Robin shouted at me suddenly, almost making me spill "Kiss Me Coral" nail polish on our white carpeting. "What?" I asked, a bit annoyed with her interuption. "You're in here!" she said happily, waving around her People magazine in the air (like she just didn't care... haha, nerdy joke, anyway,). I quickly stood and ambled over to the two girls, who were excitedly holding out the magazine towards me. I grabbed it, and began to scan the page. On the top left corner there was a picture of me and Harry walking down the street, holding hands. We were both laughing, and it was a really cute picture. It made me smile happily. Underneath it was a title that read, "Harry's New Girl". I began to read the article:

"Directioners everywhere for the past three months have been gossiping about their favorite band's newest information- the one and only Harry Styles has a girlfriend! Who is she? An American girl from a small town, actually! Amber O'Brian, to be specific. And Amber seems to have been welcomed into the hearts of the boys quite quickly. They were seen frequently visiting the flat she shares with her friends, with Harry, of course. But is this couple as happy as they seem?" I felt the smile slide of my face and continued to read, "Harry Styles is known among his fans as 'the ladies man' or, 'the flirt'. Has he really given up his ways for this girl? Or is this flirt still the same as before this new girlfriend? We'll see...".

I do admit that, at first, this offended me. I sat on Angela's bed, in between the two of the girls, who had moved to face me as I read. "What?" Robin asked in a concerned tone, worry lining her face. "Read it" I said, holding it up. The two girls' eyes scanned the paragraph as mine did, but unlike me their expressions of worry quickly changed to releif. "Oh, don't worry about that!" Angela said. "Really Amber," Robin agreed, "you should know better! These people are just making up stuff, they dodn't know the truth! They are vultures, seeking out anything alive and waiting until it shows any signs of death. Except, stupidly, they choose Harry and you to pick on. Really, they've got nothing." I took in what she said and nodded. "Yeah, I guess you're right..." I said slowly, "Yeah, you are right, wow, I feel stupid." A smile grew on my face.

So, I totally dismissed the article, got up, and continued painting my nails as my friends went back to gossiping about the current news in the star world.


"Wait, wait!" said a girl I hadn't noticed before. She was a teenage girl, with extremely curly red hair that abruptly ended at her shoulders. She was extremely pale and as skinny as a pencil. She sat in the row in front of me, and had craned her neck into the aisle so that her head was facing me. "Yeah?" I asked. "If you two were so lovey-dovey and happy, why are you here?" she asked. "I'm getting to that, I'm getting to that." I said. I turned back from the girl to see if my audience was still listening, and was surprised to find that not only were they attentive, there were many more audince members than I remembered. The people that sat behind me had crowded upward to listen to me. The woman sitting next to the husband and wife that had made themselves heard before was looking expectantly toward me. It seemed as if everyone on the plane, actually, were facing me and looking expectantly. None of them even seemed remotely embarressed I caught them listening. Instead, they sat there, listening contently. A bit shocked, I cleared my throat and continued my story.


An hour later I was padding around the house, looking admiringly down at my pretty toe nails. Just as I was about to walk into my kitchen, the phone rang, making me double back into the living room to answer it.  


"Hey, baby." answered a deep voice. I knew exactly who it was. 

"Hi Harry. How did you know it was me, and you didn't juat call Alex or someone 'baby'" I asked, hoping to stump him. 

" Because I would know your gorgeous voice anywhere" 

I could feel myself blushing as I giggled into the phone. 

"Meet me at the park, I have a surprise for you." he said, and quickly hung up. I grinned and skipped into my room, pulling on my favorite sundress, wondering what it would be. Hmmm... maybe a picnic! I pondered this as I walked out the door, calling to the girls that I would be back in a little while, that I was gojng out with Harry. This, of course, was met with, "Ooooo!" from my friends and I giggled again as I shut the door.

I walked all the way to the park, which was about a ten minutes walk from my apartment. Actually, it was directly across from the studio Harry took me for our first date. Just the memory of it made me smile to myself, I couldn't help but think that regular London pedestrians thought I was insane. After walking the short distance I entered the park.

What I saw made me stop dead in my tracks.

Harry, snogging some blonde-haired slut.

At first, I didn't believe what I saw. "That's impossible" I thought. But I was posotive that it was Harry when they finally detached from one another and his face was in clear veiw.

There was immeadiate pain in my chest, and I felt tears sting my eyes. "How could he do this to me?" I thought."Amber!" Harry shoutex to me, "It's not wha-" But by then I had took off running, to anywhere I could. I needed to get away. I couldn't stand seeing his face. i wouldn't let him see me cry.

I ended up in some public restroom, stumbling inside and searching for a stall.  I didn't even check to see if anyone was in there. I found a stall and tried to close the  door, but I broke into body-shaking sobs, which rendered me unable to slide the stopper shut. "I can't even shut a door, damn it, of course he doesn't love me." I sobbed, which made no sense, but at the time was crystal-clear to me. A poor woman washing her hands stared at me as if I were insane.

There was only one thing that was coherent in my mind.

He was the same.

I should've known better than to trust him. I couldn't believe I had made the same mistake a second time. I couldn't live with myself.

I needed to leave...


"...I couldn't stay there. So, that was when I decided to come home. That was yesterday. I haven't spoken to Harry since the... incedent." I looked up one more time, to find everyone on the plane staring at me with pity in their eyes. But, if you haven't noticed, I'm not one to show my feelings, and I sure as hell wasn't going to start now as this entire airplane believed me to be some vulnerable little thing. So I sat calmly, not looking into anyone's eyes. "And that is why I was crying." I said softly, the environment around me lasping into a silence that held until the plane landed


Hi!!! 652 reads... wow... thanks sooo much guys! I love you all!! Please dismiss spelling errors, I hardly ever check my work!!

Sooo... how do you like it?? Don't you guys worry, Harry's not a two-timer! But, I wanna know what you think happened between Harry and that blonde chic? Leave a comment, if you'd like to!

Thanks for reading, guys! Vote, comment, and fan, pretty pretty please!!

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