CHAPTER 10- Home Again, Home Again...

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*Amber's point of veiw*

The rest of the plane ride was uneventful. The entire place had gone silent, as if mourning my breakup. 'Then again,' I figured, 'you can't mourn the death of something that was never alive'.

That was how I came to terms with Harry's betrayal. He must have not loved me if he had gone and searched for love of another girl. I wondered if I'd ever find someone who truly loves me for who I am, someone worthy of my love, someone of whom I will always trust with my heart.

Probably not.

As I sat in the uncomfortable seat, I recalled the events that I had not revealed to the other passengers. The good times I had with Harry.


My eyes shot open as the pain spread though my boby from the blow I just received. "Off... of... me..." I choked out to the boy who decided to jump onto my sleeping body. Harry sat up straight, grinning at me in delight that he managed to annoy me. But, of course, with that cheeky grin on his face, I felt my anger melt away. I sat up in bed and glanced into the mirror, spotting my messy bed-head and over-sized t-shirt. Just lovely.

"Hey babe" he said, giving my forehead a kiss. That made me blush, and he smiled, knowing the effect he had on me. Suddenly, he hopped off the bed, skipped to the other side, and got under the covers. I giggled. "Ummm... whatcha doin', Harry?" I asked, but soon was dragged by my waist against his body.I didn't argue, just breathed in his scent and enjoyed my moment of utter bliss. Hary spoke. "This would be so much better without clothes on" he said, jokingly, ruining the moment. I lifted a pillow up and smacked him with it. What? Served him right, he made the joke. Little did I know, I had started an all-out war.

"Oh, that's how you want to play it?" He said, sitting up, a mischievous glint in his eye. I took it as a hint to run, so I ran, clutching my pillow as I went. I ended up in the best hiding place known to man, an empty cabinet underneath the kitchen counter. I told you I was small, only 5'1", and a tiny figure. He would never find me!

Just as the thought enterd my mind, the cabinet door opened and I let out a screech. "How did you find me?!?" I said, as he dragged me out. "Please, I'm only 18...I DON'T WANNA DIE!" I wailed, earnig a chuckle. "How about this instead of death?" He asked, and pressed his lips against mine. I smiled into the kiss, as per usual. Also I felt those butterflys within me, and the sparks again. Usual too. When he drew back, Isaid, "A bit better than the death thing", earning a laugh, and then another one of his intoxicating kisses.


I sighed, hating that my cheeks were wet with tears again. Must I cry every time I think about him? I really thought there was something different about him, though. I thought that this one would be "the one". I guess he didn't think so, though. No matter. What's done is done, and nothing can change that now. Not all the crying in the world. I knew that right now my friends would be getting home from school. Right now Abbie, or Alex, or Robin, or Angela, would be reading the note I left on the kitchen counter. I wondered how they'd react. I hope they didn't get angry at Harry. I hope they understood I wanted to be home, be alone.  

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captin speaking. We will be landing in Newark Airport shortly. Please make sure that the seat-back trays are locked and put away, and all seats are in upright position. The current time is 11:21pm, we will be landing at approximately [I think that's how you spell it] 11:30pm."

I followed the captin's instructions and braced myself for the chilly American fall weather.


"Thank you" said to the taxi driver, handing him the amount he asked for. He glanced at the money. "What the hell is this?" I laughed, realizing that I paid him in pounds. I quickly switched the English currency for American, and then went on my way. I stood in front of my house in New Jersey, looking at the familiar sight, half glad half sad to be back home. I walked up the drive, maneuvered my suitcase up the porch steps, and rang the bell. The door slowly creaked open, revealing...


Hey!! I know, cliff hanger... lol!! Thanks, again, for reading, and please vote, comment, and fan, it means a lot to me!!

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