CHAPTER 6- What Happened

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*Amber's point of view,the year before*

"C'mon Amber, let's PAAARRRTTTYYY!" Alex screamed, running strait from the car to the house. I giggled at the sight of her, giddy in anticipation. We were pulled up in front of Josh's house, who was also a senior. We had just graduated high school, and, of course, Josh had to hold a party. Josh is a popular jock, who is know for always having the best parties, probably because he could get ahold of alcohol (courtesy of his older brother). I'm usually not one to be invited to his parties, or one to want to go for that matter, but this year he invited everyone in the grade who wanted to come, including goody-two-shoes like me.

I had gone with my best friends, and they were all as excited as Alex. They had been invited to a few parties, that I had opted out of, for the fear of getting caught with alcohol. But, for once in my life I had choosen to have some fun, and not live up to my nickname, "mother".

I stepped out of the car, following Abbie who had grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the door. A few other seniors were handing out beers to the kids who were entering. "Want one?" one of them asked me, holding out a bottle in offering. I shook my head. "Designated driver." The kid nodded, and soon I was being dragged through the door,into the arms of someone unidentified. I glanced upward to see who had held me and found that it was Devon. I smiled. Devon was my boyfriend, and I was positive that I was in love with him. I had had boyfriends before, but none of them have I ever felt as strongly for as I did for Devon. "Hey babe" he said, planting a kiss on my lips. I tasted beer. Great, he was drunk. He then took my hand and lead me into what looked like a living room. "Beer?" he offered, holding a bottle out towards me, but again I declined."You know I'm a designated driver, hon." A look of annoyance crossed his face, but I assumed I was imagining things because his face cleared a second later. "Oh,yeah, sorry, I forgot" he said, "here how about we check out what's going on upstairs?" I nodded, and was dragged towards the staircase.

The stairs were covered with people trying to move either up or down, some just standing there, watching the chaos unfold around them. Devon was able, somehow, to part the crowd and we made our way upstairs in record timing. The upstairs was not just bedrooms. Josh's family is pretty wealthy, and they had a room where a television, a couch, some chairs, and a pool table sat. Obviously, most people were crowded in this room, trying their best to see the T.V., most failing and instead watching a pool game that was being held by a few boys. A keg was set up in the corner. I wondered how many times I would have to refuse beer tonight.

I turned to Devon to say this, but before I could get the words put his mouth was on mine. I usually loved his kisses, but there was something different about this one. It was more wanting, faster than I wanted. I pushed him off of me, saying, "Babe, stop." I said. Again, the annoyed look. "Why not?" he asked and shoved himself onto my lips again. "No" I said, pushing him off of me, "not now." He just sighed and walked away, leaving me in the room. I followed him into a bedroom, where we were alone. "What's the matter, sweetie?" I asked. It was unlike him to be this way to me.

He looked at me, and crossed the room rather quickly. Again, his lips on mine, but as I tried to push him off he held tighter. Pressing me up against the wall, his hands roamed as he kissed me. Suddenly, they were on my thighs, and he was wraping my legs around his waist.

I strugged against him, but he was so much stronger than me. "Calm down, babe" he said, and dragged me to the bed. I tried to scream, but his lips were on mine again. They tasted like beer, bitter and terrible. His hands reached under my shirt and fondled me. I realized that I couldn't get him off of me. This was how I was going to lose my virginity. Raped by the boy I thought I loved.

My shirt was ripped off, then my bra, and his shirt followed suit. Tears steamed down my face. "Please..," I begged, helpless. He ripped of my jeans, then his. My underwear, gone. His, gone. Then, he was inside of me. It hurt like hell, I'll tell you that much.

Once he was finished with me, he whispered in my ear. " 'What's the matter', you asked? The matter was that you were a fucking prude. But not anymore, right?" He laughed. "Me and the boys had a bet, 'Who could get into Amber's pants?' I stepped it up. Made you think I loved you. Guess what? I didn't. I figured tat tonight would be the night I put my plan to action. Get you drunk, have sex. But, no, you're miss goody-two-shoes, designated driver. Well, I got it out of you anyway, didn't I? I win." And with that, he planted one last bitter, drunk, kiss on my lips. His kisses I used to think were so sweet. And he dressed himself and left.

I layed there, joints aching, feeling violated. His word stung. After a while I dressed and left. As I walked through the halls of that house, I saw everyone laughing, having fun. What happened in that room felt so out of place. Snickers reached my ear, and I saw Devins possy pointing and laughing drunkenly at me, "Why don't you share, not just Devon wanted some of that!" one called, and I ran out of the house, to the shelter of my car.

I leaned my head against the wheel, sitting there for a moment. Only then, when I was out of sight and out of earshot, did I allow myself to cry. And as I sobbed, I wondered if the sound of my heart breaking could be heard in that room as Devin took everything away from me.

*Amber's point of view*

And now you know. You know my humiliation, And my heart break. And let me ask you, if you were me, would you trust love again?


Hi!! Here's the long a-waited chapter of how Amber doesn't love anymore.... Well.... We'll see about that!!! Sorry for breaking my promise, I wasn't able to get to any thing that can go on wattpad last weekend. But it's here now!!!! So, yay!!!! Ok, dinner now, gtg, thanks for reading!!

OH. And by the way: PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT, I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER!!! Thank you, love you all, bye!

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