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"I hope you don't mind if I ask but, where exactly are we?"

Silence fell upon their table.

"They didn't tell you?" Hoseok asked.

Yoongi shook his head.

"Well... this place is for people who are... special." Namjoon said.

"Special? What do you mean?"

"Well... this is meant to be a mental hospital but they've just taken things too far. This isn't a "mental hospital" it's basically a laboratory. They do a bunch of experiments on you to test your abilities and you're literally nothing else than a science experiment to them." Namjoon explained.

"What kind of abilities? I don't have any abilities..."

"You do. Or else you wouldn't be here."

"But I don't even know how I got here! Who sent me here?"

The boys just shrugged.

"Well... what're your abilities then? How long have you even been here?" Yoongi asked, growing anxious.

"That's just it... we don't know. They're crazy, they keep doing all these experiments and stuff and I bet it's all just for fun." Jin scoffed.

"Lunchtime is over! Everybody get in your groups and retrieve  to your rooms." A voice said through the speakers.

The boys all stood in a line while Dr. Johnson and some scary looking doctors and body guards took the boys to their corridor once again.

Yoongi was about to enter his room when the doctors stopped him.

"Not so fast! You're coming with us." They said and the body guards grabbed his arms and they walked off somewhere.

"I can walk on my own! Let go!" Yoongi yelled but their grip only tightened.

They went past a bunch of rooms and he noticed that one of the doors were opened.

He caught a glimpse of a young girl that was seated in a chair and she screamed for her life. They took a razor blade and he didn't see anymore...

What the actual hell do they do here?

They came into a room which had a bunch of machines and computers and bunch all around.

They laid Yoongi down on a bed. Then they strapped him up by his wrists and ankles.

"W-What are you doing?" He yelled. "Let me go!"

He started squirming around, trying to break free.

"Calm down, will ya? It's no use." Dr. Johnson said. "We're only going to do a few tests on you."

She took out a syringe and Yoongi was already terrified.

"We need your DNA so we're gonna take a blood sample and then you'll have to spit into a tube." She explained and without warning, stuck the syringe into his veins.

He shut his eyes tightly as he felt the blood being removed.

Soon, the pain was gone which meant that she was done.

"Thank you. And now you'll have to spit into this tube." She said and held a little tube by his lips.

He thought a little while before spitting.

"Great! I'll be right back with Dr. Hill." She said and left the room.

The body guards were still there though.

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