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There's 7.

Yoongi looked at the 7 pencils that were displayed in a straight line in front of him on the desk. Each one had different colors and dots and lines on.

He took one that was white and with ". - - .  .- - -  - -" written on it.

He put it gently on the floor.

6 left.

He took the yellow one. He took that one and put it on the floor as well. It had "-.-  -." Written on it.

There was 5 colors left.

Light blue, green, pink, red and orange.

He took the green one and looked at it for a while. He liked the green one so he put it back.

He stood up from his place on the floor where the chair was previously but he needed full concentration.

That's what Dr. Hill said anyways.

He yawned and laid down on the bed.

Still to this day, he refused to cover himself up with a blanket.


"Dr. Hill! He had chosen." Said a doctor who was watching Yoongi through his computer.

Yoongi didn't know of this but they had hidden a camera in his new room.

"Which one?"

"The yellow pencil and the white one, sir." A doctor said.

"I see. Then our theory has been proved to be correct so far." Dr. Hill said and wrote something down in his clipboard.

"So what do we do now?"

"We pay a visit to test subject 97."


Yoongi was stirring a lot in his sleep once again.

It was so damn hot.

He was sweating.

He sighed and sat up.

Something didn't feel right.

He stood up and walked to his desk through the darkness.

He opened a drawer which contained more pencils but they were all white. He picked one up and took a black marker and wrote something that he didn't understand himself.

He wrote some weird dots and lines. Kinda like the other pencils.

-..  ....  -..  ..  .

That's what he wrote. He didn't understand but he took the pencil and snapped it in half.

He threw the two parts of it across the room and filled the silence with laughter.

He didn't know why he was laughing or what he was doing at that moment.

He started walking to the metal door and tried to open it.

It was locked.

He sighed and walked in circles.

He counted how many circles.


47 circles.

The feeling of something not being right was still lingering in his mind. He was starting to grow anxious.

He ran to the door and started pounding on it.

He needed to get out of here.

Somethings not right.

Something terrible is gonna happen.

He has had this feeling before.

He recognized it.

He remembered it.

He was trembling like crazy now so he fell on his knees because it was physically impossible for him to keep his balance.

He screamed.

He looked at himself and his once white clothes were red.

This is exactly what happened in his dream.

It felt like those mirror shards were cutting him once again.

Some images flashed before his eyes and he screamed even louder.

He stood up and ran to the door, basically falling once he reached it.

He screamed and pounded on the metal door to the point where his hands were red.


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