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Why him?!

"104, it's time for your medication." He heard Dr. Johnson say. He shook his head.

He was sitting on the floor, hugging his knees. He was staring at the blank, white wall.

"You have to. It's not a choice." She sighed and placed down the pill and glass of water on his desk.

"You better take it, or else! You don't wanna be down in the basement again, do you?" She said sternly and left the room.

Yoongi slowly stood up and walked over to the desk. He hid the pill like all the others and drank the water.

He held the glass tightly in his hand while all the memories were rushing back to him.

Jimin's lifeless body...

Just floating there.

He screamed and threw the glass at the wall. It shattered all over the place but he didn't care.

He laid down on the bed and pondered.

He didn't sleep that night.

Or the other nights.


The doctors didn't allow the 6 boys to sit together at lunch anymore.

They didn't let them talk or associate with each other at all.

It was a nightmare.

Yoongi has never felt so lonely before.

He was forced to sleep in the lab again and he was acting extra cold towards Dr. Hill.

"104 I don't appreciate this attitude." He said sternly.

"Guess what?! I don't give a damn because you took my friends life in such a cruel way! Who the hell does that?! What is this place!?!" Yoongi yelled.

"Dr. Johnson... take him there." Dr. Hill said dangerously calmly. Dr. Johnson nodded, knowing what he meant.

The guards once again grabbed him and they left the lab.

Yoongi didn't have the energy to care anymore...

They entered a room which he recognized.

It was the same room where he heard a girl screaming...

They laid him down on a metal surface and tied his wrists and ankles to it.

They grabbed a white piece of cloth and tied it around his mouth. He was shaking and tried to scream but only muffled sounds came out.

"You need to learn your lesson, 104." Dr. Johnson said as she grabbed something from the table nearby.

She walked closer to him and roughly pulled his sleeve up. She hovered the sharp object just above his skin.

Yoongi shook his head and screamed.

Then it happened.

She took the knife and slowly dragged it across his skin.

Yoongi made a haunting noise and felt hot tears slide down his pale cheeks.

Dr. Johnson pulled his white button up shirt to reveal his pale and unhealthily thin chest. You could see the faded nail and claw marks that he had tortured himself with.

She took the knife and dragged it across his stomach which left a red, bloody streak.

"STOP! PLEASE!" Was the only thing you could make out by the muffled screams of the young boy.

His vision was blurry and he looked up at the bright light above him, praying for this to be over.

He felt a warm substance slowly sliding down his stomach and right arm.

His tears were endlessly falling and slowly sliding down to his neck which sent shivers down his spine.

Those were the last things that he remembered before everything went black.




I opened my eyes and was met with another bright room. I slowly stood up and looked around.

This wasn't a room.

It was all just... white.


I heard a voice calling my name.

I looked around and started walking straight forward, not knowing where I was going.


It was getting louder.

I squinted my eyes and stopped in my tracks when I saw who it was.

I started running and stopped in front of him.

His hair was sticking to his face and his white clothes were soaking wet.

He looked just like when I last saw him.

"J-Jimin... I'm so sorry. This is all my fault" I started sobbing.

"It's not your fault, Yoongs." He stepped closer and wiped away my tears with his thumbs.

I shivered at his ice cold touch.

His dead touch.

"I don't have much time but I came to tell you something. To warn you." Jimin said suddenly.


"Before they did what they did... Dr. Hill told me that he had somehow inserted a chip into your blood which means that they can see your dreams and your thoughts. You have to be careful" he said.

"Wait... is this a dream?" I asked.

"In a way, yes. But I am real." Jimin smiled slightly.

"Really?" My eyes widened. "Again... I'm truly sorry."

"Stop. It's not your fault. Just protect the other guys and yourself." He put his cold hand on my shoulder and slowly started fading away.

And soon enough, everything else started fading away as well.

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