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"I ask you again, 104. What happened?" Dr. Hill asked calmly.

"I-I don't know, sir. I truly don't know." Yoongi was shaking. He doesn't want to accept the fact that he had taken someone's life like that.

Or at all.

"It's alright. You can sleep in here tonight." He sighed and offered the young blonde a small smile.

How the fuck is he so nice to me after I killed Dr. Johnson? Yoongi thought.

"Umm Dr. Hill?" He said quietly.

"Yes?" He turned around.

"Why are you being so calm and polite after I literally... you know."

"Don't you worry about it, 104." He smiled and walked closer to him. "Don't think that we were dumb enough not to find out that you removed the chip." He whispered and walked away.



Yoongi was stirring a lot in his sleep.

He was quietly mumbling to himself.

"Quickly! He's having another dream." Dr. Hill whisper yelled to one of the professors who immediately turned a machine on so that they could see into Yoongi's dream.

"Let's see who it'll be this time..."


I opened my eyes and coughed. My throat felt pretty dry and weird.

I was outside and it looked like it was nighttime.

I stood up and looked around. There were a bunch of trailers and trains around.

The one that caught my eye though was a dark blue one right beside me.

I entered it because I honestly don't have anything to lose at this point.

It looked quite cozy and I saw Namjoon sitting on the floor with a piece of parchment in his hands.

I looked closer and saw that it was the same drawing of a bird that Jungkook had.

He stood up and sat down by his desk.

From what I understand, he's tattooing himself on his left arm.

It was the same bird.

After he was done with the tattoo, he took a lighter and set the parchment on fire.

I felt a little stinging sensation throughout my body but it wasn't anything terrible. While this was happening I heard a familiar sound. It was the same scraping noise from my dream with Taehyung.

It soon disappeared anyways.

Namjoon dropped the burning note in a drink and drank from it.

Then he just... collapsed.

I ran over to him and unlike the other dreams I had, there wasn't a force stopping me from approaching him.

"Namjoon!" I shook his shoulders but he wouldn't budge. I touched his left arm where he had the new bird tattoo and from the touch of my hand, colors spread throughout his whole arm.

I backed away, not knowing what was going on.

I heard a loud crash which sounded like glass breaking and he opened his eyes.

I looked around and we were in a different location now.

It was a room full of mirrors.

He stood up and looked around at his many reflections and so did I but I couldn't see myself.

There was a terribly unpleasant sound that was becoming louder and we both covered our ears with our hands.

When I closed my eyes, I saw a flash of red fireworks.

Then all the mirrors shattered.

For him, the shards just gently took place on the ground but where I was standing, each shard made a terrible cut all over my body.

I screamed out in pain and when it stopped, I looked at my clothes that were once white.

The red liquid covered that ugly color.

I heard a phone ringing and I guess so did Namjoon cause he rushed right passed me while I followed him.

We were outside now, it was still dark.

We ran across a road that looked suspiciously similar to the same one from my very first dream.

The phone was ringing inside a phone booth but there was chains all over it.

Namjoon tried his best to try to get to the phone but he missed the call.

He sat down on the ground while covering his eyes.

I looked at the glass and in red text it said "LIAR"

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