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Yoongi missed seeing his friends.

He missed seeing other test subjects.

He missed sitting in the cafeteria.

He feels like he's being treated like he's different from the others.

He had eventually found that camera in his room and destroyed it.

He didn't need to be watched over.

What if Ruby wasn't who she says she is?

What if she's evil like all the other doctors?

She wouldn't be working here if she was nice, would she?

Yoongi made up his mind to not get attached to anyone anymore because in some way, they always end up killed anyways.

Yoongi sat in a corner and pondered for a little while longer.

He heard the metal door open which could only mean that Ruby was here to give him his food and pill.

"Yoongi! I brought you food" she smiled and placed the tray on his desk.

Yoongi stood up and threw the tray on the floor which caused a mess everywhere.

"What the hell?" Ruby yelled.

"Leave! Just leave! You don't actually care about me!" He sobbed.

"Yoongi, I-"

"I said leave!" He cried and started throwing chunks of food and glass from the floor which resulted into her leaving.

He screamed and started pacing around the room.

He finally stood still and looked at the door. He balled his hands into fists and just stared.

The things that they've put him through...

The things that they've done...

They took away the only people that he cared for at this hell hole!

While thinking about these things, Yoongi started feeling a little dizzy.

His knees felt weak and he lost conciseness before his body went limp and hit the ground.


"We haven't been able to pay him a visit at all! I want to see my son!"

"I know you do, honey. I tried contacting them but they didn't all-"

Mr. Min was interrupted by the phone ringing. He picked it up with a confused expression.

"Hello?.... Yes... really? Of course! We'll be there! Thank you!" He hung up and looked at his wife with excited eyes.

"What is it?" She asked.

"We're gonna see our son!"


Yoongi opened his eyes and knew immediately that this wasn't the location he was at before.

He sat up and looked around the lab.

"Ah! You're awake!" Yoongi turned to look at Dr. Hill.

"Why am I Here?" was all he asked.

"I have some good news for you." Dr. Hill smiled.

"What is it?"

"You're gonna meet your family."

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