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Yoongi slowly opened his eyes.

He saw a white wall.

He turned so that he was laying on his back.

White ceiling.

The white color has made him feel so anxious.

He would love to see any other color other than white.

He sat up and immediately hissed in pain.

His stomach and right arm was stinging like crazy.

He carefully stood up and walked to the bathroom.

He stood in front of the mirror and slowly unbuttoned his white shirt to reveal white bandages.

He had it wrapped around his right arm as well.

He dropped the shirt on the floor and examined his own reflection.

He noticed some details and felt simply disgusted.

His skin was very pale. Probably from the lack of sunlight.

His chest was so tiny and his ribs were showing off more every time he looked at himself. Probably from the lack of food.

He had dark circles around his eyes. Probably from the lack of sleep.

His breath was getting heavier and he shook his head.

He can't let them do this to him.

He was tearing up and balled his hands into fists. He swung his arm and punched his reflection.

His hand was stinging and bleeding.

There was shattered mirror shards all over the floor.

So was the scarlet color.

Yoongi laughed out loud at the beautiful scene in front of him.

Such a pretty color.

Oh, how missed seeing other colors.

He took a mirror shard and dragged it across his wrist.

He winced at the pain but proceeded.

He left the small bathroom and stared at the white wall above his bed.

This white color could definitely use something new...


Dr. Johnson was just about to give 104 his medicine. She knocked on the metal door.

It was quiet.

Too quiet.

She pressed the little buttons on the keypad and entered the password.

She swung the metal door open and screamed. She dropped the glass of water and pill in the process.

The room was a complete mess. There was broken glass everywhere and the desk was completely flipped upside down.

That's not the worst.

There was bloody hand prints all over the walls.

She walked inside the room when suddenly the metal door closed.

She turned around and gasped.

The lights turned off.

She was about to go to the door when someone grabbed her wrist.

Extremely tightly.

"Hello Dr. Johnson!" The young blonde smiled.

"104... let go!" She said sternly and tried to escape from his grip.

"Haha no. Remember when I asked for all of you to let me go? Did you? No!" He yelled.

He took something from the floor and Dr. Johnson felt something hard hit the back of her head before everything went black.


Dr. Johnson opened her eyes and tried to sit up but something was stopping her from doing so.

She was tied to the bed by her wrists.

"Finally. You're awake" Yoongi leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Let me go!" She screamed.

Yoongi chuckled and shook his head. He walked closer to her and crouched down beside the bed to be on her eye level.

He picked up a mirror shard from the floor and without warning, stabbed her arm.

He covered her mouth with his hand so that her precious screams couldn't be heard.

Although he would love to hear her sufferings just like she did with him...

He removed the shard from her arm.

"Oh by the way... if you're wondering why nobody is helping you, since y'know that they can see my thoughts and dreams" he started. "Yeah... I'm smarter than that."

He pulled up his sleeve to show a fresh red cut.

He got rid of the chip.

"Look, I would love to torture you some more but why wait, y'know?" He said.

Dr. Johnson's eyes widened when he raised his hand behind him and inserted the shard deep into her chest.

She choked on her own blood and soon, you could see her life slip away from her eyes.

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