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"You're my sister, right?"

"Haha not biologically, Yoongi. But we don't have to be related by blood." She laughed.

"Great! You're my sister then." Yoongi smiled while she was playing with his hair.

"Dr. Ruby?" The metal door opened.

"Yes, Dr. Hill?"

"May we speak?"

"Of course." She gently placed Yoongi's head on the pillow instead of her lap and she jumped off the bed.

That made Yoongi annoyed.

Why did that stupid man have to take everything away from him?

He crossed his arms and turned to his side and faced the wall.

He closed his eyes and before you know it, he was in deep sleep.


I opened my eyes and it was light and blah blah blah.

I'm honestly so tired of these dreams.

I stood up and saw a doctor walk my way. He wrote something in his clipboard and soon walked away.

I saw a door and tried opening it but it was locked. I peeped through the little peep thing in the door and saw all white and a sleeping Hoseok. He was wearing all blue.

He suddenly sat up and sat crossed legged in the middle of the room.

He was staring blankly at the clock as the seconds were ticking by.

Then two little doors at the sides of the room opened and out came a bunch of pills.

He took one of them and swallowed it. When he did that, an image of a glass of pills flashed before my eyes and it was the same glass that I've always been seeing in my previous dreams.

Then, everything looked very neon and bright. He stood up and touched the wall which left a green and orange sticky residue on his hands.

He started freaking out and it looked like he was trying to break free.

There was neon paint and feathers everywhere. He collapsed on the thankfully soft floor and when he did that, my insides felt weird.

It felt like someone was moving my organs around and I collapsed as well.

I woke up and saw Hoseok standing above me. I stood up and backed away a little.

He was looking at the painting of the forest that I saw in my dream with Jimin.

He pulled out a snickers bar out of his pocket and took a bite. He smiled widely before leaving.

The painting changed into a women holding a child.


Yoongi opened his eyes and gasped. He sat up and felt a throbbing pain in his head when he did that.

"Yoongi! Did you have another dream?" He heard Ruby's voice.

He nodded his head while Ruby handed him a glass of water.

He drank a little bit and looked at the floor sadly. His eyes started brimming with tears and he placed the glass on the floor and hugged his knees closely to his chest.

Ruby sat down on the floor beside him and wrapped her arm around his shoulders.

"What is it?" She spoke softly.

"Ruby..." he said with a shaky breath. He looked up and stared deeply into her blue orbs. "When will all of this be over? Will it ever be? I never asked for this. Why me?" He sobbed.

His tears were streaming down his face like waterfalls.

She hugged him tightly while he cried into her shoulder.

She said soothing things and gently stroked his back. The sobs soon died down and Yoongi's breathing was more calm now.

He had fallen asleep and she tried her best to place him in the bed.

She succeeded and didn't bother to cover his body with a blanket because she knew he didn't like it.

"I promise, Yoongi. You'll get out of here." She whispered before turning the light off and leaving his room.

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