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"Help! Stop it! H-He..."

Yoongi screamed at the top of his lungs.

His room was now filled with concerned doctors and guards.

"Yoongi relax!" Dr. Johnson yelled but he didn't listen.

He felt a sharp pain in his left arm and slowly started to feel like his energy was drained out of him.

His vision became blurry and he felt his head hit the pillow.


Yoongi opened his eyes, slowly.

He tried to sit up but he couldn't because his wrists and ankles were tied to the bed like before.

He looked around and recognized the room as the same room where they did those weird tests on him.

"Ah! You're finally awake." Dr. Hill grinned. "How are you feeling?"

"Umm I don't know. Strange, I guess." Yoongi responded while Dr. Hill was writing it down.

"Please, be more precise if you could."

"Ok I fell like I have no energy. I'm feeling very hot and sweaty. And... just exhausted." He explained while the doctor nodded.

"That's probably because of the drug." He mumbled and placed his clipboard down.

"W-What was that?"

"Oh, nothing. Don't worry." The man smiled.

Yoongi also noticed that he had the wires attached to his head again.

"Well, I think that you should probably be going to breakfast now, 104." Dr. Hill said as he removed the wires and detached him from the bed.

"Will you find your way?" He asked.

"I think so." Yoongi said.

He left the experiment, lab room thing and made his way through the never ending corridors.

He saw that almost each door was a room for each person. Except they were obviously called like "test subject..." and a random number.

He eventually found the cafeteria and took the food.

It was milk, a muffin and an apple.

He spotted the guys sitting at the same table as yesterday so he took a seat there.

"Hey! Where have you been?" Jin asked.

"Long story..." Yoongi sighed and removed the wrapping around his muffin.

"What happened last night? I heard screaming." Taehyung tilted his head, slightly.

"I just... had a bad dream." Yoongi said as he looked at Jungkook who was drinking his milk.

"What was the dream about?" Namjoon asked.

"Not important." Yoongi shrugged and took a bite of his muffin.

He wasn't hungry.

Just thinking about that dream and just this place in general made him feel sick.

He put down his muffin and just drank his milk.

"Today is your first day of class." Hoseok suddenly said which made Yoongi choke on his milk.

"My what now?"

"Class. Although, it's not exactly like school classes, y'know?" Jimin said. "It's more like activities but the professors like to call it "classes"."

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