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Yoongi was beyond excited.

He cleaned up and tried to make himself look presentable.

The body guards took him to what looked like a lobby of some sort. Still gloomy.

Yoongi was sitting in a chair and couldn't keep still. He was very excited yet a bit nervous.

Ruby and Dr. Hill were waiting with him.

He would prefer to meet his parents alone but it could've been worse.

The large doors opened to reveal a beautiful woman and a man.

Those must be his parents.

"Yoongi?" His mom gasped and pretty much ran over to him. "You've grown so much!"

She hugged him tightly and Yoongi just patted her back. His dad also engulfed him in a big hug.

"How have you been? Is this place treating you well? How are you?" His parents asked at the same time which made Yoongi laugh.

Not because of the way they're asking.

The questions are funny to him.

Yeah mom, this place is treating me like a king. Oh! And they enjoy torturing me but you know, let's talk more about you!

Yoongi started laughing.

"Right, let me introduce myself. I am Dr. Hill and I-"

"Dr. Hill?" Yoongi interrupted.

"Yes, 104?"

His mom and dad had a confused expression after hearing that Dr. Hill addressed their son as a number.

"Can I show them my room?" Yoongi smiled.


And so, the body guards took them to his room. Dr. Hill and Ruby let them have some privacy and let the three of them stay in his room.

"Please, sit." Yoongi motioned for them to sit down on his bed so they did.

"Yoongi? Tell us everything." His mom showed off her pearly whites.

Haha, where should he begin...

"Well, I actually have some questions." Yoongi said.

"Of course! What is it?" His dad smiled.

"How did I get here? What is my home? How long will I be here?" Yoongi asked.

His parents looked at each other with unexplainable expressions.

"Yoongi, sweetie..." His mom sighed. "We brought you here."

Yoongi's eyes widened.

They brought him to this hell hole?

"W-Why? I don't understand... what did I do to deserve this?" He said with a shaky voice.

"We thought that it was for the best. You were different, Yoongi. This mental hosp-"

"This is not a mental hospital, dammit!" He screamed. "This place is horrible! I'm a science experiment to them! We all are! They hurt me! They torture me! Get me out of this hell hole!"

He completely broke down. He collapsed to his knees and cried.

"I beg you!" He whispered. "Get me out of here."

Before his shocked parents could say something, Dr. Hill and some bodyguards came into the room and took Yoongi.

"Mom! Dad! They're gonna hurt me! Help!" Yoongi screamed at the top of his lungs before they took him away.

They took him to the same room where Dr. Johnson had tortured him before...

They tied his wrists and ankles to the metal surface.

"We'll make it quick this time." An unfamiliar doctor said. "Don't ever speak the truth to anyone else but us, boy!"

He took something and immediately, Yoongi felt burning on his leg.

He screamed and squirmed around.

The doctor pulled up his white shirt to reveal his chest. He took the object and soon, sparked a flame and left burns on his chest.

Nobody cared for his loud screams of protest.


After a few minutes that felt like hours for Yoongi, they took a syringe and shot him with something that made Yoongi feel very exhausted.

He fell into deep, deep sleep.

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