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"Ok... just try to breathe. Relax." Dr. Hill instructed as he handed Yoongi a glass of water. "I need you to explain to me what happened. This is the second night that it has happened..."

Yoongi took a sip of the water. It sort of relieved the pain in his throat from all the screaming.

"It... it was a dream."

"Can you tell me what this dream was about?" Dr. Hill asked as he grabbed his clipboard.

"It's very complicated. It feels like all these dreams that I'm having, have a connection. I don't know why or how but..." Yoongi Shut his eyes from the pain in his chest.

Turns out that he had dug his nails into his chest in real life as well.

"It's ok... how about you sleep here tonight? Just in case." Dr. Hill said and Yoongi was terrified of that idea but nodded anyways. "Good. Now, you should get back to your room and get ready."

Yoongi thanked him and went back to his room.

He went inside the little bathroom and looked himself in the mirror.

What was this place doing to him?

He had bags under his eyes. He was incredibly pale. His hair was an absolute mess.

He unbuttoned his white shirt and looked at his chest. It was so pale and you could see his ribcage.

He needed to eat more.

He traced the scars by his heart where he had dug his nails into.

He got fully undressed and hopped in the shower. He turned on the water and sighed in relief as the cold liquid ran across his body.

He showered for a while and changed his clothes which was still the same clothes except clean.

He looked at himself in the mirror once again and now he looked a little more pleasant but still wasn't happy.

He shrugged and exited the bathroom. He had 15 minutes left until breakfast so he spent that time at his desk.

He was pondering if he would ever see the outside world...

Could he meet his family?

If he had one, that is.

The metal door opened to reveal Dr. Johnson. She entered and told him to be outside his room in 5 minutes and he just nodded.

When the time came, he stood outside his door with the others and they formed a line and went to the cafeteria.

The 7 boys had their usual seats by their table and ate the same food as usual.

"Guys...?" Yoongi suddenly said. The table grew quiet and gave him a look to tell him to go on. "Can I tell you something? About these nights and stuff."

"Of course." Jungkook smiled.

"I've been having dreams and... I don't know why or how but they're all connected somehow. And it involves you guys."

"What do you mean? What did you see?" Namjoon asked.

Yoongi explained everything and every detail of each dream. He finished and they all looked a bit shocked.

"Do the doctors know?" Jimin asked.

"Not exactly. They know that I'm having dreams but they don't know what they're about. Dr. Hill asked me to sleep in the lab tonight and I'm kinda terrified if I'm honest." Yoongi chuckled.

"Good luck." Jin smiled and they proceeded to talk about something else.

It was time for "classes" and Yoongi was ready to go with Jin and Namjoon but Dr. Johnson stopped him.

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