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"How old are you anyways?" Yoongi asked.

"I'm 20" Ruby replied.

"Really? Dang." Yoongi laughed.

"Yeah... so are you sure you don't want to eat anything?"

"Positive" He replied.

"Just make sure to drink the pill" she smiled.

"What even is it? Like is it some kind of medicine? For what in that case?" Yoongi tilted his head.

"Only Dr. Hill knows about it. Sorry, Yoongi." She shrugged.

"It's alright." He smiled back.

"Make sure to get some sleep and we'll try again tomorrow with the eating." She said and took the tray. "Goodnight"


She turned the light off and exited the room.

Yoongi definitely liked her more than Dr. Johnson.


1 week later

Yoongi and Ruby got along so well.

For once, he felt happy.

He even started to eat slowly.

She's like a best friend to him. Almost like a sister.

He doesn't know of his family so it felt nice to have someone as a family in this awful place.

"What's something you want to do?" Ruby asked while they were sitting on Yoongi's bed.

He was finally eating.

"Umm well I would love to go outside. I haven't been out there in such a long time." He looked down. "I'm just so fascinated, y'know? Can you please tell me what season it is. How's the weather? What day is it?"

She smiled and gladly told him everything.

"It's currently May 20th and it's a pretty sunny day. It's Sunday and it's about 3:00 pm." She said.

He looked so genuinely fascinated by this information.

"I just really... really want to go outside. Or at least see it from a window." He frowned.

Ruby hated seeing him being sad.

"Say What," She said in a cheerful tone. "I'm gonna talk to Dr. Hill and ask him if we could walk around outside for a while. What do you say?" She said.

"Really? You would do that for me?"

"Of course!"

"Oh my gosh! Yes! Thank you! Thank you!" He embraced her tightly and she laughed while hugging back.


"Yoongi! Wake up!"

Yoongi fluttered his eyes open and was met with Ruby's pretty face.

"Get ready! We're spending a day outside!" She said and he practically jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom.

He got ready and ate his breakfast and they were ready to go.

They were walking through the gloomy hallways and were soon met with big doors that must be the exit.

Yoongi was beyond excited.



Ruby opened the doors and Yoongi pretty much ran out.




So much damn color!

The sunlight was so warm and new for his unhealthily pale skin.

The light breeze was so refreshing.

The beautiful colors were amazing and definitely something new for his dull eyes that were now full of life.

He skipped and spun around which made Ruby laugh.

When he calmed down, they took a little walk in the garden.







So many colors.

He hadn't seen white which he was very pleased with.

"Ruby, this is truly amazing. Thank you again!" Yoongi grinned. His smile showed off his gums which he didn't even know.

He hadn't smiled that much so no surprise I guess.

They spent the rest of the day outside, enjoying the fresh air and the sound of birds chirping.

Yoongi's favorite part was the sunset.

So beautiful.

He could look at it forever.

Sadly, it was time to return back inside.

From heaven to hell you could say.

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