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Dr. Hill opened his eyes and squinted at the bright light that hit his face.

He tried to sit up but something prevented him from doing so.

"Don't try, doc. It's no use." Yoongi said while he was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. "By the way, sorry for hitting your head with a chair." He chuckled.

"What is the meaning of this? How did you even get out?" Dr. Hill said.

"Not important. What's important is that you're gonna get what you deserve." Yoongi stepped closer and took a razor blade from the little table that they always had while torturing him.

Yoongi dragged the blade across Dr. Hills arm who screamed in pain.

Yoongi had some fun with this.

He used every single material on the table.




From cutting to burning to sending electric shocks throughout his entire body.

"I had a lot of fun but all fun must come to an end." Yoongi said.

"Please..." the doctor whispered.

"What can I say... karma is a bitch."

And so, he stabbed him. Over and over again.

The doctors life slipped away from his eyes.

Yoongi threw away the knife and took off the gloves.

He ran out of the room and ran to the security room. Taehyung and Jin were standing there, waiting for him.

"Did you do it?" Jin asked and Yoongi nodded.

"Let's get out of here." Tae said and the 3 boys ran through the dark hallways.

There was dead security guards and blood everywhere.

They ran to the front door where Jungkook and Hoseok were waiting.

They opened the doors and ran out of that awful building.

They laughed and ran around.

They're finally free.

Soon, they saw Ruby's car pull up and they all got in. Yoongi had told her about this plan and she agreed to help.

She had contacted their families and told them to be expecting their sons to be home soon.

She dropped them off one by one and they couldn't thank her enough.

The only people left were Jungkook and Yoongi.

Ruby stopped in front of a house that's supposed to be Yoongi's house.

He thanked her and gave both Ruby and Jungkook big hugs.

He waved and smiled at them one more time before the car disappeared out of his sight.

He took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.

He just realized that his white clothes were covered in blood but oh well.

He heard the door unlock and it opened to reveal his mom who gasped.

"I'm home now, mom. I'm finally home." He smiled.


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