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I took his hand and he helped me up.

"Where are we?" I asked and looked around the bright place.

"I don't know."

I jumped at the voice behind me. I turned around and saw Jungkook and the rest of the boys.

"The last thing that I remember is that Dr. Hill took me into the lab and put me in this weird capsule thing filled with water." Taehyung spoke.

"He did that with me too!"


"Why would he... and how is Jimin and Namjoon here?" I frowned.

"I don't know but they might as well not be real" Jin said and backed away.

"We are! He just wants us to communicate!" Jimin said.

"I believe you." I said.

"There's something you should know, Yoongi." Namjoon said. "There is a way for you guys to escape but-"

"Wait!" Jungkook interrupted. "What if they can hear what we're talking about."

"They can't." Jimin said.

"Anyways, there's a way for you all to escape but it's dangerous. Are you willing to risk it?"

"Proceed" I crossed my arms.

Namjoon explained everything while we listened.

"So that's what you have to do. But it's risky." He finished.

"Are we willing to do it?" Hoseok asked.

"I'll do anything to get out of here." Tae said.

"Let's do it!" Jungkook smiled.

"Let's do it tonight."


Yoongi opened his eyes and screamed. He started pounding on the glass, begging to be let out.

Dr. Hill pressed a button that opened the lid and Yoongi swam up.

He climbed out of the capsule and took off the helmet. He jumped down and panted.

"Have a seat." Dr. Hill said and Yoongi sat down in a chair. The man handed him a glass of water which he took.

"I want you to tell me what you saw."

Yoongi looked deeply in the doctors eyes.

"I saw my first dream, sir. That's all I can say. I'm sorry"

Dr. Hill sighed.

"That's alright. Thank you, 104. Let me escort you back to your room."

Dr. Hill escorted the boy back to his room.

"Get some rest. Goodnight"

"Goodnight." Yoongi smiled.

He closed the door.

"You're gonna need it..."


Yoongi stared at his ceiling.

He was waiting.

He heard some shuffling outside and soon, the door unlocked and revealed the boys.

Yoongi got out of the bed and went out of the room.

"Thanks for getting everyone out, Taehyung." Yoongi said.

"No problem. They trusted me enough to keep my door unlocked." He said.

"C'mon, we don't have much time." Jin said and they kept moving.

"Let's split up. Taehyung and Jin will go into the security room and unlock all the doors and Jungkook and Hoseok will make sure to wait for us at the front door and make sure that the path is clear. Kill every security guard you come across. I will deal with... that." Yoongi said.

They all nodded and went their separate ways.

Yoongi made his way to the lab. Surely, he was gonna be there, right?

He made it to the lab but quickly hid behind a wall when he saw a security guard.

The guard stood still.

Yoongi quietly sneaked up behind him and took out the big mirror shard out of his pocket.

He slit the security guards throat and pushed him to the ground. He stabbed him repeatedly to make sure nobody heard his screams of pain.

Yoongi put the bloody shard back in his pocket and hid his hands in them as well.

He pressed a button which opened the door and he saw Dr. Hill sitting by a computer and writing things down.

Yoongi cleared his throat.

"104? What are you doing here?" He asked.

Yoongi didn't answer, he just laughed.

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