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There's a lot of blood.

"A-And this is my fault?" Yoongi whispered.

He was horrified at the scene in front of him.

Namjoon's lifeless body.

Covered in blood.

He was tied to the same metal surface where Yoongi was tied to once.

Bloody knifes.


Was it his fault?

"I-I'm Sorry, sir. But how is this..." Yoongi didn't dare to finish that sentence. He doesn't want to be hurt anymore.

"You chose it to be Namjoon."

"N-No!" He shook his head. "I never chose anything!"

"The pencils." Was all Dr. Hill said before leaving.

Some bodyguards took Yoongi and led him back to his room.


It's been hours.

Yoongi hasn't moved an inch.

He was still in the exact same position.

He was sitting in a corner while hugging his knees tightly to his chest.

He heard the metal door opening and someone turning the light on.

Yoongi squinted at the sudden brightness but soon enough got used to it.

He didn't like to have the light turned on.

He prefers it when it's dark.

He doesn't have to see that white color.

"104 right?"

Yoongi looked up to be met with a young women.

She had long brown hair that was pulled up in a ponytail and very pretty blue eyes.

She was holding a tray of food and water.

And of course, a pill.

She placed the tray on the desk and extended her hand for Yoongi to take.

He hesitated at first but took it and she helped him up.

They sat down on the bed and Yoongi avoided looking at her.

"My name is Dr. Ruby but please just call me Ruby." She smiled brightly.

It's been so long since Yoongi has seen anybody smile.

Like an actual smile.

"I'll be your new doctor since Dr. Johnson isn't-"

"I killed her." Yoongi said casually.

"R-Right" Ruby tried her best to smile and be polite in front of the dangerous man in front of her.

"So what's your name?" She asked. 


"No. Your actual name."

"I... I don't remember" he knitted his brows together.

"It's Yoongi." She said softly.

When he heard that name it's almost like his sanity came back...

"Right! My name is Yoongi" he said.

"How old are you?" Ruby asked.

"I'm... uh... 16? I think"

"No... you're 18, Yoongi" Ruby said.

"What? I don't remember being 18... I'm 16 I-I'm positive!" Yoongi protested.

"You were 16 when you arrived here. Now you're 18" she explained and Yoongis eyes widened.

"So you're telling me that I've been here for 2 years?!" He said in shock and she nodded her head. "B-But that's... impossible. I've truly lost track of time. 2 whole years couldn't have gone by, right?"

"I'm afraid it has. You've also been asleep or in a coma for quite a while before you woke up and found out that you were even here." She explained.

"Oh... ok"

"It's time to eat some food! You can't think right on an empty stomach." She winked and handed him the tray. He took it but placed it beside him on the bed.

"Eat" She said softly. He shook his head.

"I really don't want to...I know I have to but I just can't." He said.

"Do I have to feed you or something?" She joked and Yoongi cracked the tiniest smile.

It felt nice.

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