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"Wake up! 104, wake up!"

Yoongi opened his eyes slowly and saw Dr. Johnson standing by the door.

"You have to be out in 10 minutes for breakfast." She said and closed the door.

Yoongi sighed and sat up. He rubbed his eyes and yawned.

He still felt pretty exhausted.

He went into the bathroom and brushed his teeth. He was too tired to do any more than that so he stood outside his door.

The boys, like usual formed a line and went to the cafeteria.

It was the same boring food like usual but Yoongi had never felt so happy to be able to eat it.

The boys sat down at their usual table and talked and ate.

"Yoongi? Where have you been?" Jungkook suddenly asked.

"I was... Guys it was horrible." He sighed. "They locked me down in a basement and they tied these chains to my wrists a-and they wouldn't feed me!"

"What the actual fuck?" Namjoon exclaimed. All their eyes widened from Yoongi's words. "Are they actually crazy?!"

"Apparently. We're just kids!" Jimin said in disbelief.

"How long have I been down there?" Yoongi asked.

"3 days." Namjoon said, sadly.


I opened my eyes.

It was dark.

I heard a strange, scraping noise so I followed it through the darkness.

In the distance, I spotted somebody.

Like usual.

I walked closer to the figure but stopped.

Like usual.

These dreams all follow the same pattern, don't they?

The person was holding something sharp and was scraping against what appeared to be like a garage door.

The lighting was a bit weird and gave off a green tint. The person was scraping the object against a picture of a figure and it said Abraxas on its chest.

Isn't Abraxas a god?

Suddenly, someone shone a flashlight on this person and he raised his arms up in surrender.

He turned around and I saw that it was Taehyung. The cop pushed him against the wall and grabbed him.

They dragged him to a police car and pretty much shoved him in. The car drove away so I ran after it.

Everything was black so I couldn't see where it went but soon, I saw a dark lit room.

I ran as close as I could until the same force stopped me.

Taehyung was sitting in a chair and the police officer was sitting across from him. He was asking questions and typing things in his computer.

I could tell that Tae was nervous...

His nail was scraping against the chair and the sound became louder and louder in my ears.

"Ow... shit." I covered my ears and shut my eyes tightly. The sound wasn't going away.

"Fuck!" I yelled out in pain and fell on my knees. It felt like someone was ripping my skull apart.

I grabbed my head in my hands and screamed.

The loud sound and pain wasn't going away...

It was getting worse by the second.

It all suddenly stopped and I took deep breaths.

I looked up and saw that I was in a different location now. The floor was stone and cold.

I stood up and saw Taehyung running out of the dark and then stopping.

He got what seemed to be a punch from someone invisible and fell down.

He was in pain and was getting more and more punches.

I tried to run to him but I couldn't.

While he was sitting on the ground, a little puppy ran up to him. He hugged the puppy closely to his chest while a giant cage was slowly getting closer above him.

The puppy escaped from his arms and ran to my direction. Tae was now trapped in the cage...

I felt so bad but before anything else could happen I heard his voice say "could I just make one phone call?"

Images of a phone booth and a painting of a women holding a child flashed before my eyes and then everything went black.


Yoongi gasped and sat up.

"It's alright, 104. Relax." Dr. Hill said and handed him a glass of water.

Yoongi drank the water and sighed. He was sleeping in the lab tonight and if he was honest, he didn't feel very comfortable with Dr. Hill and a bunch of body guards watching him sleep.

He had the wires attached to his head and they had given him some kind of pill before he went to sleep. It wasn't the same one that Dr. Johnson always gives him.

"Did you have another dream?" Dr. Hill asked and Yoongi nodded. "It's ok. Go back to sleep." He smiled and Yoongi did as he was told.

After a while when Yoongi was asleep again, Dr. Johnson came in.

"How is it going? Did he have another dream?" She asked and sat down across from Dr. Hill.

"Yes. We'll find out soon enough what these dreams are about." He said.

"How are we gonna do that? He isn't exactly best at following the rules or telling the truth. He isn't like the others." Dr. Johnson said.

"I know. That's why I'm doing all of this. I gave that pill so that he would fall into a deep sleep and while he was sleeping, I inserted a tiny chip in his blood so that we would be able to see what he's dreaming and thinking of." Dr. Hill explained.

Dr. Johnson nodded.

"But that means that you don't  even have to question him anymore, right?"

"He can't know. We have to act as if we didn't know anything. And you said that you overheard what he told his friends in the cafeteria. These dreams are connected and we need to find out what those previous ones were about."

"I see... what was this one about?"

"Test subject 103. Previously known as Kim Taehyung."

Dr. Hill has always felt like Yoongi was different from all the other test subjects.

Their technology and science was very smart and powerful at this place and they've already figured out so many extraordinary things about the 16 year old.

He could do great things that Yoongi himself didn't know he could do yet.


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